chapter 1.

800 22 48

seungmins pov.

i woke up around 6:30 in the morning since i have a class at 8am. its my first year at college, major is computer science, and im kinda nervous just because its a new school and well i now live in a dorm instead of living with my parents. but thats all besides the point, i got out of bed and went to take a shower. once i was done showering and picking out my outfit, my mother called me.

seungmin: yes mom?, why are you calling me so early??

mrs kim otp: hi honey, im just checking up on you

seungmin: oh okay man well i-

mrs kim: oh my god!

seungmin: what ma?? is everything okay?

mrs kim: no, its the bang family seungmin!

seungmin: what happened-

mrs kim: they opened their shop early then usual! i have to get your father to go open ours. im not getting beat by some snotty little family.

seungmin: hahah okay ma you do that, i have to get to class bye love you

mrs kim: bye honey i love you too.

i laugh a bit before hanging up the phone, i checked the time and it's already 7:35am so i quickly just throw on a big hoodie with some jeans and put on my converse, i grabbed my bag before heading out the door. while trying to figure out where to go i accidentally bumped into some girl that was just standing there.

seungmin: oh shit- im sorry!

i quickly said before bowing just to hear the girl laugh which made me confused.

??: omg! haha its fine dont worry! i totally wasnt paying attention so it's all on me!

seungmin: well again im sorry i was just trying to find my class i guess?

??: your first year?

seungmin: haha yes sadly

??: whats your major?? i could probably help you!

seungmin: my major is computer science, and its this class

i say showing this girl the class that was on my schedule paper. she then smiled a bit and nodded

??: okay well your in the right stop but you took the longer way, are you staying in the dorms?

seungmin: yeah

??: well yeah you just took the longer way, from here just go straight down then take a left then a right and your class should be there!!

seungmin: oh okay thank you so much!!

??: no problem seungmin!

i was confused on how this girl knowsnmy name?, i never mentioned it to her i mean i dont even know this girl!

seungmin: how do you-

??: i saw it on the paper, my names jisoo

seungmin: well its nice to meet you jisoo, see you around.

i said smiling before quickly running towards where jisoo just told me too, after a few minutes i got there and sat in a seat all the way in the back, the professor walked in and well started doing attendance i think and afterwards the professor started teaching, after maybe about two hours my class ended and i now had to go to my next class i packed up and left by the time i got to my next class it was about 12pm. i sat down again in the very back then to my surprise jisoo also had this class and when she saw me she ran over at sat next to me.

𝐖𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭. ~ chanmin. Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu