Everything Happens For A Reason

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Wesley's p.o.v.

I hopped in my car, starting the engine quickly following them wherever they were going.

I'm still upset that Lia chose Rayden over me, I mean what have I done to make her not believe me...

Don't answer that, it was a rhetorical question.

I know I've been an ass to Lia, but still, she should've chose me.

About a half hour later, I notice Rayden pulling up to an old building, I drove a little further down the road and stopped at the end of the block. I got out, shutting the door slowly, running up towards the building, making sure to go unseen.

I crouched behind a bush, listening in on the conversation that Rayden and the middle aged man were having.

"You, brought Lia?"

"Of course I did, Sawyer. She's in the car" Rayden said with a bit of annoyance lacing his voice.

Sawyer looked towards the car and smiled slightly at Lia.

"She has no idea, why she's here does she?" Sawyer asked, looking back at Rayden.

"No, but that traitor Wesley, almost blew our cover"

Sawyer, crossed his arms over his chest slightly angered.

"Make sure, that Wesley comes no where near here" He started, walking away, but then turned back around.

"Oh and Rayden, bring in Lia"

"Now?" Rayden asked slightly surprised.

"Now" Sawyer confirmed, walking inside.

Rayden sighed, looking around. Then looked back at Lia and smiled, walking up to the car.

I quickly ran, behind the car, peeking my head out at the side.

I saw the door begin to open and Lia walked out.

"Rayden, what are we doing here?" Lia asked.

"I'll explain inside, we need to go now" Rayden said, slightly gripping Lia's arm forcefully.

Lia's p.o.v.

Rayden's acting weird and I don't like It.

Maybe it has something to do with what Wesley had said earlier.

Why would Wesley even say that, unless, unless..its true. but it can't be, can it?

I stopped walking and glanced around the odd looking building, taking in the ash smell, and the broken glass scattered everywhere.

I felt a grip tighten on my arm and looked up to see Rayden, looking down at me with an angered expression.

Why is he angry at me, it should be the other way around. I mean he is, forcefully dragging me into an odd looking build- holy cow.

"It's true,what Wesley said about you. It all makes sense now, gosh how could I be so stupid before and not notice"

Rayden looked down at me"Oh, don't be so ridiculous Lia" he spat.

I huffed, looking at the ground.

" Rayden, the boss will see you and Lia now" a man with a deep voice uttered.

I looked up"Thanks Sawyer, we will be right in"

Sawyer nodded, and looked down at me the smirked walking away.

Damn, he's creepy.

"Come on"Rayden snarled, tugging my arm near a closed door, down a long hallway.

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