Coping In Bitter Silence

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Lia's p.o.v

Two weeks had gone by since the incident with my parents, one week since their funeral, I haven't really left my house since then, not to go to school, not to hang out with Eden or Rayden. Rayden's called a few times since their funeral but hasn't actually came over, Eden's came over but had to leave before school started, since that was the only time she could come. As for Wesley, he comes over every day to give me my homework and make an attempt to make me feel better.

Knock ,Knock , Knock: I groaned rolling my self out of bed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes sluggishly making my way down the tan staircase with my hair similar to a rats nest and clothes, stained and worn out. I slowly put my hand on the doorknob turning the handle carefully, because there is still that slightest chance that it could be a serial killer. I pulled the door open which revealed a nicely dressed and clean Wesley.

"What?" I hissed. He scanned my appearance "Hey at least you look better"Wesley said with honesty lacing his voice. Gee, thanks Wesley!

"What could you possibly want, and it better be good, because you woke me up" I hissed stifling a yawn. He scrunched his eyebrows together taking a glance at his wrist watch and looking back at me" It's like two in the afternoon" He said, I shrugged. Its the earliest I woken up in a week, "And I came to give you this" He said handing me my homework for the day. I groaned taking it out of his hands, getting ready to shut the door but he pushed it open walking in and embracing me in his arms, I wrapped my arms around him.

"Do you feel any better Lia?" He asked.

"No" I bluntly stated, I felt the tears begin to well up in my eyes again. He held me against him tighter, I sighed ." Shouldn't you be getting back to Julia?" I asked.

"She's with my Aunt Darcey" He replied finally pulling away and sitting down on the couch, lightly tugging in the hem of my shirt in gesture to make me sit beside him, I sighed again sitting down.

I remember when we were at the icecream shop a few weeks ago and Wesley was comforting me on the curb and said" Don't worry, I know how it feels" I've

been thinking a lot about that sentence and I couldn't help but wonder what he had meant by it. I never really wanted to ask him about because I thought it would be to straight forward but, I just really want to know.

"Wesley?" I said breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"Hmm" He hummed taking his eyes off the blank TV screen, glancing at me.

"Remember a few weeks ago when you were comforting me at the icecream shop and you said that you knew how I felt?"

I watched as his body froze, he subtly bit his lip, stretching his arm back to scratch his neck"did I- did I say that?" He asked nervously.

I nodded my head lightly, confused as to why he was acting this way.

He suddenly got up"well I should be going, I have to pick up Julia" he stammered crossing the room and literally running out.

I sighed standing up forcing my weak body up the stairs and into my room, I got into my bed and curled up embracing the silence that dawned over me.

This is how it's been for the last couple of weeks, me lying here on my bed, curled up into a ball, letting myself cope in the essence of this bitter silence.

But I don't mind, not really.All I really want to be is alone right now, or with my parents. But that can't happen, at least not yet.

I took a deep breath, watching as everything turned black around me, letting myself fall into a dark sleep.


Crying, that's all I've seemed to be doing lately. I can't believe that my parents were In a car accident trying to get home to explain everything that happened recently.

It's all my fault, maybe if I wouldn't of yelled at them, they would- they would still be here.

I never ever ha a chance to say goodbye, the last thing I had said was whatever and then I hung up.

"And now, please welcome river and Catharine's daughter, Lia" one of the guys had said.

I sighed walking up to there graves letting tears fall. I took a deep breath.

"River and Catharine  were amazing parents, they might not have been there all the time but they were still my parents and I love them so much, even when I would yell at them for the most stupid of things, such as finding out I was adopted." I took a deep breath forcing my self to continue , letting more tears fall " Im the reason they were coming back, I'm the reason they got into the car accident, I'm the reason for my parents death"

I started crying uncontrollably, excusing myself from their ceremony.

I went behind a tree since that was the only place I could really go, I slid myself on the ground, placing my head in my hands.

Present time.

I awoke with the sound of pounding coming from the door downstairs.

I also mentally made a note, to kill whoever keeps waking me up.

Rolling myself out of bed falling face forwards on the soft carpet, I almost forgot why I was getting out of bed in the first place if it wasn't for the rapid knocks that started again.

"Im coming, I'm coming "I shouted, even though they probably cant hear me, I could barely hear me. I went downstairs and opened the door to see a smiling Rayden. Why is he so damn happy, can't he see how miserable I am. Geez, show some sympathy man.

"What could you possibly want?" I asked practically growling at him. He looked down at me and his smile faltered a bit but as soon as it was gone, it came back.

"We're going out"He stated, smiling down at me. Who did this guy think he is? I am most definitely not going out. Nope, nope, nope.  He can take the we're part of that sentence and shut it up his ass for all I care.

"No we're not"I  growled at him, he rolled his eyes" Come on Lia, you haven't left the house in a week" He stated.

"So, If you're parents were in a car accident, you wouldn't want to leave either"I yelled slamming the door in his face and sitting down.

The door opened again and Rayden walked in slamming the door behind him" You know, I'm just trying to make you feel better Lia" He yelled getting aggravated.

"Really, is that what you're trying to do" I yelled, as my eyes began to water.

He sighed, calming down a bit."I'm sorry, I got mad. It's just, I hate seeing you like this" He walked over embracing me in a hug, I hugged back placing my head on his chest as he tried to sooth me.

I hummed in response as he pulled me tighter against him.

"Or, you know what we could do?"He asked pulling away a little to look at my face.

"What?"I questioned wiping away my remaining tears.

"We could just stay here, cuddled up on the couch watching a movie" He suggested.

I half smiled and nodded my head in response sitting down, while he went over to my movies and picked out Divergent, then came back and sat down beside me placing a blanket over us and placing his arm around me so I had my head up against his chest.

And that's basically all we did, the rest of the day.


A/N: I'm sorry this chapter might now be the best, but the future one's will surely be better. Also, I wanted to say Thank you for everyone who reads, votes and comments on my story's, it mean so much, so I wanna thank you, you all are so amazing. Have a good day!! :)


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