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How can you not
think so much?
I don't know how,

do you?

It's like I'm outside
- I watch over it all.
but at the same time I'm inside,
right in the middle
of never ending rise and fall.

I wonder how...

and you don't.

do you ever sit
in bed alone,
in a dark room,
questioning and contemplating,
maybe even aching?

do you ever even think
about what makes you
who you are?
- well...
who are you?

can you grasp
what it's like
to be so damn much,
when you're in-
and you're outside,
both ebb and tide.

don't keep hiding,
don't keep lying
to yourself
can't you see
you are made for



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hello! long time, no see... soo here's a little poem. <3 I had way too much fun rhyming these lines. :)

thanks for sticking around with me, commenting and reading in the mean time while I was a bit MIA, been a little sick and pretty busy, but I'm back now. ;))

xo, S🌹❤️

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