Chapter 18 : Mother and Daughter

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Alexandra and Charles followed Henry and Anne into the palace and Charles looks at his wife "Alex what are you smiling about," Charles asks his smiling wife. Alexandra laughs "Charles I'm excited to see my daughter Catherine and last time I saw her was my late husband's funeral back in Florence," Alexandra said looking back at Charles. Then Charles hugs his wife "I'm excited to meet your daughter to my love and I hope she will like me," Charles said. Suddenly, Alexandra laughs at Charles "My dear husband my daughter Catherine will like you no matter what," Alexandra said then Charles kisses her after that a voice can be heard coming towards them "Mother is that really you," said the voice it was Catherine running towards Alexandra.

 Suddenly, Alexandra laughs at Charles "My dear husband my daughter Catherine will like you no matter what," Alexandra said then Charles kisses her after that a voice can be heard coming towards them "Mother is that really you," said the voice it ...

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Catherine hugs her mother and smiles at Charles "Cat this is your step father Charles Brandon the Duke of Suffolk," Alexandra said to her daughter who was still smiling. "I'm excited to finally meet you my lord," Catherine said to Charles, then Charles looks at Alexandra "Cat we have some bad news for you it's about your godmother Catherine of Aragon," Alexandra said holding her daughter's hand. Catherine looks at her mother and Charles "Did something bad happen to her or did King Henry do something to her," Catherine asked them with concern. Charles holds his wife's hand and looks at Catherine "The king has divorced your godmother so he can marry his mistress," Charles said to Catherine. Catherine looks at her mother "Does his mistress have a title Mother I heard it is the Marquis of Pembroke," Catherine said.
Later that day Alexandra and Charles were talking to Catherine when Anne walked by and saw Catherine "Alexandra this must be your daughter Catherine," Anne said. Catherine looks at her mother and step-father "Yes, madam I'm her daughter and I'm the future queen of France I heard that you kicked my godmother out of her own palace and you took her place," Catherine said looking at Anne. Then Anne walks away to tell the king.
Later that night King Francis walks into the great hall with his queen and his sons Henry and Charles. Behind him was King Henry the 8th and everyone bowed to them. Then Charles sees Prince Henry talking to someone that's not Catherine. "Your Highness your suppose to be with your lady wife," Charles said and watch's the Prince walk away and looks at the lady "Who are you madam," Charles asks her. The lady smiles " I am Diane de Poitiers you must be Catherine's stepfather a handsome one," she said flirting with Charles. He stops her "I'll have you know madam I'm happily married with the most beautiful and wisest woman on this earth I'll never have a mistress," Charles says and walks to Alexandra takes her hand and takes her back to their chamber.

The Tudors: Alexandra Duchess of Florence and SuffolkWhere stories live. Discover now