Chapter 1: A New Husband

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London, England

The King of England King Henry the 8th and his two cousins from France William Duke of Normandy and Jasper Duke of Burgundy are looking at the list of names for Alexandra to marry. "Will are you sure that Alexandra's new husband will agree to Lorenzo's will," Henry asks his cousin William looks at Henry "Of course, he will agree to the will Henry my sister has two younger children her son Stefano and a daughter Isabella they will keep the Medici name," William said. Outside in the hall Anne and George Boleyn listen from the other side of the door "The King has to let his cousin Alexandra marry you, George," Anne said George looks at Anne "If I marry her I have to agree that her two younger children keep the Medici name," George said to his sister. Anne rolls her eyes "Who cares about them they're illegitimate children to you," Anne said with a smile "Anne the Medici family is a very powerful family," George said.

While Henry and his cousins were talking someone brought a Portrait of Alexandra into the room.

"There she is our Alexandra," Jasper said telling his older brother William and cousin King Henry the 8th

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"There she is our Alexandra," Jasper said telling his older brother William and cousin King Henry the 8th. The door to the Council room opened "Your Majesty and your Graces the Duke of Suffolk is here," said the groom Henry looks at the groom and smiles "Let him in boy," Henry said and the groom bowed and walked away. Then, the door opens again and in walks In Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk "Charles welcome I see you have met my cousins from France William and Jasper," Henry said smiling at Charles "Good Morning your majesty and good morning to you to Your graces," Charles said and sees Alexandra's portrait "Wait I know her and I've seen her before," Charles said. William and Jasper looked at Charles with confusion "Your Grace you know our sister the Duchess of Florence or now she's known as the Dowager Duchess of Florence," William and Jasper ask Charles who was still looking at the portrait "Yes, I do know her but I didn't know she was your sister and cousin," Charles said and sees Lorenzo's will "What's This, your Majesty," Charles asks Henry. Henry looks at William and Jasper then back at Charles "Charles my cousin Alexandra's husband Lorenzo de Medici Duke of Florence passed away on the day when Alexandra returned to Florence," Henry said "That document that your holding is Lorenzo's will," Henry said.

Charles stayed silent and looked at William and Jasper "My lords I'm sorry for your loss your brother-in-law was a powerful man from a powerful family," Charles said. William and Jasper looked at Charles "Charles our sister has four children her two eldest children are 18 and 15 they are Dante new Duke of Florence and Catherine future Princess of France and she has two younger children they are 5 and 4 their names are Stefano and Isabella," William said and looks at Jasper "If you married our sister would you agree to let her two younger children from her previous marriage keep their last name," Jasper asked Charles. Charles looked at Henry, William, and Jasper "Of course, I agree to let her children keep their last name I wouldn't let them change it," Charles said and left the room "Gentlemen I think we found a new husband for Alexandra," Henry said.

The Tudors: Alexandra Duchess of Florence and SuffolkWhere stories live. Discover now