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The morning was like any other for the blonde, light filling his room. Of course, his roommate was nowhere to be found, most likely occupying his caretaker's room. He sat in his bed for a moment before looking over to see the clock that decorated his nightstand.


He lightly huffed before getting out of his bed, and quickly he began to make his bed ideally. Once he was satisfied with his work he began shifting through his draws to find an outfit.

He was smart enough to have asked his caretaker for some new pieces of clothes since he didn't see a reason to wear his same purple suit every single day, unlike some others.

A light blue dress shirt and navy blue dress pants lay out on his bed, and banging was suddenly heard from the left side of his room. Along with some curses and swears, The blonde mentally cursed the other two who were fighting in the room next to him.

There was never a moment of peace in the house, except when (Y/n) threatened them all. Nevertheless, they never bothered him unless they had some idiotic plan in the making.

A knock rang through the room as Kira began to change his outfit "Who is it?" He called out as he buttoned his new dress shirt "It's me Pucci, I just wanted to let you know there is coffee in the kitchen," Pucci said before Kira heard footsteps walk away from the door, Kira quickly looked at the nightstand.


The smell of coffee lingered in the kitchen air. Everything was at a rare peace "What a lovely morning" Pucci said as he poured some coffee into Doppio's mug "Yes, I hope it continues"

The two villains stood by the counter, enjoying the caffeinated drink. A scream screeched throughout the house, causing the two to pause what they were doing "Was that (Y/n)?" There was a brief pause before another scream "I'M GOING TO JAIL" Pucci sighed as Doppio began walking away.

Waking up, she expected it to be like any other morning, but Unfortunately not this morning, the purple-haired vampire was by her side as she heavenly slept in her bed at least until she stumbled around before stubbing her toe on a foreign object. Upon cursing at the object the (Y/n) took a better look, only to see something that made her pale.

"How- Why is this even here?!"

The (H/c)ed girl sat on her knees, staring at the object in utter confusion "(Y/n), what happened?" Pucci asked as he ran into the room. Startling the caretaker and annoying the purple-haired vampire who was confined in her bed.

(Y/n) began stuttering and clinging to the priest as he knelt next to her "Keep it down." Diavolo said as he entered the bedroom only to go into her bathroom, ignoring the distressed girl.

Her words crashed together and her hands shook as she clung to the white-haired priest, soon Others flooded the room as their caretaker pointed to the painting.

Kira walked towards the bedroom as he saw the others crowd around "What's going on?" He asked as he finished arranging his tie, Dio looked back at him and shrugged his shoulders.

"Seeing how she is distraught it'll be a while before we figure it out"

"Is that the Mona Lisa...?" Kira heard Doppio ask, For Kira, it seemed that the world froze. A sudden peak of interest was felt as he looked past the blonde vampire, Better yet it seemed to pull him; The curiosity of whether what Doppio said was true or not was calling.

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