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The morning light flooded many of the rooms, and a calm atmosphere filled the house as a few people occupied the kitchen. Some were reading in peace, while others ate their breakfast in the same peace. At least until Diavolo thought it would be a good idea to bother you with a ridiculous request.

(E/c)ed eyes stared at the pair of green eyes with great intensity, the tension that surrounded the two was suffocating to anyone who dared to be near "For the last time I'm not doing that." The man groaned as his eyes seemed to throw daggers at the (H/c)ed girl.

"How long have they been like this?" Pucci asked as he took his seat next to his Lord and took a sip of his coffee that was waiting for him "Ever since Diavolo tried to get her to convince her to give him her file cabinet key"

"I see..."

Pucci watched in silence as began looking around the table, only to see a few people missing. Those being Diego, Valentine, Kira, and Doppio, which might've explained why Diavolo wasn't being followed by his shadow.

But the real mystery was where was the blonde jockey. It turns out that he and the blonde president were currently in a stand-off on the top of the stairs, like many times before, they stared at each other before even speaking a word to one another. But this time they seemed to be on a more hostile level "I'm sorry" Diego said sincerely as he held his hand close to his chest.

The blonde president seemed surprised but smiled happily at the British man's apology "Are you now?" Diego's face fell into a wicked smirk "No." the blonde president threw a punch at the other blonde before they both tumbled down the flight of stairs. Even when falling they continued their brawl until they landed at the bottom of the stairs "And what on earth are you two doing?" Looking up they both saw their beloved caretaker with her hands resting on her hips.

An annoyed expression spread across her face as she looked down at the injured blondes "Good morning Miss (Y/n)" Kira said as he stepped over the two blondes, taking her hand before giving it a quick kiss "Good morning to you Kira" she said as a small amount of blush painted her face.

The two grumbled in their places before shoving each other to get closer to her, which only lead to Kira being shoved to the ground and their caretaker being tackled by them both "What is with you both?!" she asked as she was luckily caught by Killer Queen.

"I'm incredibly sorry Miss (Y/n)" Diego pleaded as he pulled back from his tackle and had your hand in his grasp "Oh so you are lying to her as you did to me?" Valentine said as he narrowed his eyes at the blonde "As if I would be so low to do that to Miss (Y/n), on the other hand, I could care less for"

You noticed their injuries weren't as bad as you imagined, only a few scratches and scrapes but nothing life-threatening. "Whatever you both were fighting about us over now, I'm in no mood to hear it" you said as you lightly pushed Valentine out of your arms.

He seemed disappointed as you thanked the cat stand that saved you from a near concussion "So Diego, what do you have in plan for us today?" You asked as you made them follow you into the kitchen where their food was waiting for them in their assigned-unassigned seats.

Diego took a sip from his coffee as you took your seat next to Pucci and Kira. "Allow me to take you to a place so magnificent that it will blow your expectations for others out of the world!"

"I wouldn't even waste my breath on you." Dio said as he took a sip from his cup of coffee, your eyes rolled at Dio's remark before quickly shushing him, he eyes you from the corner of his eyes before flashing you a smirk.

The others seemed to notice this before scoffing, it seemed that Dio still had somewhat of an impact than they thought. But it was all a part of Diego's plan, since he was his alternate counterpart it only made sense to have the same charm as the ancient vampire.

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