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Elves: Isin, God Of Life & Death was the one who created life in itself, the first human kind she brought to earth where the elves. The elves where smart, elegant, masters of magic and wielding weapons. The first elves where spread across the world and often paired up to mate with others, with that Elves come in different colors of skin. Because the elves where spread across the world they all have different way of life, they used what they have available by nature. The elves invented music, language, handwriting, craftsmanship, beauty and kindness and above all they respected every creature of nature if they didn't hurt what they cared for. With all this kindness you would expect there would not be hatred among them, unfortunately there arose a elf form called the dark elves. As their name implies that they took all that was beautiful dark, because of that there is an unspoken war between these two forms of elves.

The elves only used materials that where found in nature too make furniture, houses and clothing items, a very commen clothing item that gets used till today is leave clay. Leave clay is made from fresh leaves and a mixture of clay and smashed stone, after a few weeks when it is dried into leather where later clothing is made of. When they put in copper or any other metal material it will become a strong suit of armor.

Elves where creatures of nature, they made a language so they could communicate. Each part of the world create there own spin but overall they can speak one universal language. Elves Become physically mature by the age of 25 and emotionally mature at around 125, they are also long-lived, capable of living more than half a millennium and remaining physically youthful. They are often descripted as a higher form that lives among the other creatures. Isin had given one elf the power of magic too protect themselves and others against the humans, this privilege was the beginning of the royal family that where called the protectors of life. After magic was found in the elf her offspring's where shared with the same spark as her, Isin gave her the spark because she stood up alone against the humans too fight for not only the elves but also the dwarfs, fairy's and trolls. That reason was the most important law between them is too protect and respect each other so they got to live in harmony. The name of this elf that started the royal blood line was Ryllea of Vensalor.

- Dark elves: The first dark elf was a member of the royal blood line, he was born out of twins. As every story goes one took the path of light the other one took the path of darkness. He created a new kind of magic that goes against the rule of nature, Isin saw this as balans. The name of the first dark elf was Invama zuldro of Vensalor. She took her own blood and mixed with nature and her creatures, elves that believed in her believes saw her as their savior. She imprisoned different createurs she needed them to practice her blood magic. The dark elves would move to the land of the lonely  willow. The royal family of the dark elves lived in a big dead willow tree, the land around it has not much life around it but the dark village is lively enough. 

Wizards: You are born as a witch of wizard, Isin by creation of human kind there where some with a different set of genes. This made them have magical powers and where very gifted with herbs where the humans gave those strange humans the name wizards and witches. Just as it happend with the elves, these strange humans were once with the humans until the humans turned their admiration in hatred towards them. The wizards and witches found a way to suppress their powers to be enable live with the humans in peace. Not all families believed that they should suppress their powers and used jobs that require healing, so they could cover up there magic in form as medicine. There are wizards would use magic to help and after erase the minds too stay hidden. 

Dwarfs: Dwarfs are not a creation of Isin but Isin is the one who brought them to life. They where created by a angel that goes by the name of Bethor, he wanted to bring his knowledge to earth. Isin granted his wish and brought them to life after 1000 years after the elves ruled the earth. The dwarfs where small in the eyes of the elves, with the wisdom and power the elves hold the dwarfs where scared into the mountain caves. In the mountains Bethor had gifted the dwarfs of the knowledge of  smithcraft and stone working, they mined and worked metals throughout the mountains. Later on the elves realize the value of the materials the dwarfs had access too which made them come in peace and offer protection against the dark creatures. 

Fairies: The elves created fairies without the intention of doing so. On a special night with a pink moon the elves had planted white roses, under the pink moon light the roses turned pink. The nectar changed into gold dust, the petals of the roses became the small wings of the fairies. Fairy dust can only harvest at a pink moon that comes once in a hundred of years, fairy dust is one of the most expensive ingredient for the making of potions. Fairies can not mate with one another, they can live for up too 300 hundreds years. Fairies know there time as there life becomes a seed of new life of a beautiful fairy rose or a new fairy when it is time to let a fairy born. The elves gave the roses where out the fairies are bron the name Fairy rose.  

Trolls: Unlike the others trolls where not made by Isin god of life, trolls where created by a dark elf that first belonged to the royal bloodline. The dark elf enchanted dwarfs into big, strong and evil, trolls are considered dark creators because of their relationships with the dark elves. Trolls are dangerous towards other species, most trolls are also stupid which is why they even attack their makers. Trolls don't get along with any creators that's why they live on there own or with there own kinds. The dark elves and trolls can work together but the dark elves need to be in possession of a Magic potion called Vision Inducement, this potion infiltrate the mind of the troll with the vision of the user.

Humans: Isin the god of life brought a creature to earth too seek balans between these large groups, Isin had hoped that the war that was going on between different life forms. The humans lived once in peace with the elves as they had the same view points of the others, that all changed when the human took what they learned from the elves against them. The humans took there violence's not only towards the elves but also too the others. Their was one elf who had a spark of magic in her, with her magic she enchanted the areas for the rest of them for protection. Humans who came close too their habitat where lost in a thick mist, the thick mist guides them back too town. Humans would have no recollection of where they have been, this was a extra protection to make sure the humans won't return.  

As punishment for their violence against the others Isin gave the humans a lot shorter life span than the elves. Isin got than the name Isin god of life and death, before it was Isin god of life.

The Forest part 1 A unexpected friendshipsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن