I want you

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M POV: I am not very surprised. I had a sneaking suspicion he would break up with me. While I still felt like crying, I realized that Chat Noir and I truly didn't seem to work the month we were dating.

MA POV: I'm shocked. Chat Noir wanted me? I looked at Mariè. I expected a waterwork of tears. However, I saw something different. She knew he would do this to her. I just saw it.

CN POV: I didn't care about what Mariè thought or said at that moment. My gut, my heart, my brain, everything, told me that Marinette was the one.

MA POV: I didn't know what to say for a few long seconds. Chat kicked his feet and had a sincere look. I closed my eyes, remembering everything I loved about this boy. And that was the answer. I loved everything about him. Our dates, his sincerity, his kindness, his looks. God, he was the hottest boy I've ever seen. I opened them. Finally, I opened my eyes. I smiled at him and walked to him. "Of course, I'll be your girlfriend." I said, as I gave him a hug.

M POV: My heart is beating a mile a minute. My brain says 'cry, cry, cry!' But instead, I smile. My brain is wrong. Marinette and Chat Noir are my friends. I don't care that Marinette wants him. I just want our friendship to never change. Chats smile lights up like he just saw his future in front of him- and its a beautiful future when Marinette said yes. I start crying. Not of sad, but of happiness.

CN POV: The girl of my dreams loves me. She wanted me. We hug each other as if we were to separate it, it would shatter into glass. I open my eyes from the hug, and see Mariè sobbing. I think Marinette heard her sobs too.

We detach.

MA POV: I hear Mariè sob. I feel terrible.

Me and Chat detach at the same time from our hug and we walk towards her.

M POV: 'No, no no no! Don't separate! Not because of me!' I think to myself. They give me a hug and tell me "It's ok." or "I'm sorry." I push them away. They didn't see my smile when they came to hug me. When I push them and see my smile, they have the same look of perplexity on their face.

CN AND MA POV: Why is she smiling? We look at each other, confused.

M POV: "Guys I'm not upset. I'm happy for you. You guys are meant for each other." I say. I mean it. They look at each other with such love. A look Chat Noir only gave me when we met that night. "Guys, go enjoy your life," I demand.

CN POV: I take Mariè's arms. "Mariè, know this. It hurt my heart to break up with you. I would love to still be friends with you. You are part of the reason I am the way I am right now." She gives me a soft smile, tears still streaming down.

M POV: I want to talk away. "Guys, I'm going to leave you here. I wish the best of luck." I say. Before they can say anything, I walk downstairs. Sabine looks at me. "Oh, Marie! Are you alright?" She saw my tears. I turn to her and smile. "Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, I have never been better. Chat Noir and Marinette are happy, and so am I." I explain. She asks "Are you sure? You're cryin-" I interrupt and tell her "These are tears of joy. Have a blessed day." I say and leave.

MA POV: I look at Chat Noir. He looks at me and we smile at each other. "I love you more than ever before," I tell him. He smiles at me and gives me a kiss on the lips.

CN POV: I'm dating the girl of my dreams. I love her. I took her hand and walked downstairs. Sabine looked at us, shocked, then beamed wide. "You are the new couple?" She exclaimed. Marinette turned red with embarrassment. "MOMMMMMM!" She growled. I have to chuckle. I reply "We sure are. I'm dating the girl of my dreams" and kiss her cheek. Her mother gushes. "Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, may I take your daughter out? To celebrate?" I ask. Her mother beams and says "Of course, dear!"

The rest of the day, we hung out. I know I made the right decision when I dropped her off at home for dinner.

MA POV: I had the absolute best day with Chat. He is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Even if I don't know his identity. He drops me off at home, and after my father gushed about dinner, I excuse myself because he was becoming too embarrassing to be around, even though I found it secretly adorable he was so happy, even if he has gotten akumatized about me dating Chat Noir.

CN POV: I went home and detransformed.

A POV: Plagg said "You finally found your favorite piece of cheese! You can take care of your cheese- I mean lady- and she will last forever and love you forever. Just be yourself, Adrien. You made the right decision."

For once, I didn't glare at Plagg. I opened my arms and he gave me a tiny hug on my neck.

M POV: I went home and straight to my room. I looked at the photos of Chat Noir and tore the ones with us when it's clear we were dating. These pictures were reminders of us when we were in love. It seems quick, but I was already moving on from him.


M POV: Marinette and I are still close. If anything, we got closer from this. Me and Chat are still very good friends. We still hang out, even just the two of us. Marinette doesn't mind, because she knows we don't like each other anymore. We go to the Louvre, a bakery, and talk about anything but relationships, and look at the locks on the bridge but we never get Andres ice cream anymore. Marinette comes on a lot of these hangouts as well.

CN POV: The longer I'm with Marinette, I know she's the one I want. I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

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