A New Beginning

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Ever since Molly and Libby officially became a couple, the McGees decided to celebrate by inviting Libby and her mom over to their house for a get together. They all set up food on the table as they got ready to eat.

Both, Sharon and Leah placed the last of the snacks on the table as they thought about how much their daughters have been growing up. It wasn't long before Sharon noticed a tear fall from Leah's eye, and knew what she was thinking.

"Are you feeling emotional again, Leah?" Sharon asked.

With a sheepish grin, Leah wiped the tear from her eye. "Sorry, Sharon. I'm just so happy for Libby! It was kind of a surprise that the girl who has been Libby's friend since elementary school just ended up being the love of her life!"

"Yes. Our daughters are growing up so fast!" Sharon agreed. "Molly is lucky to have someone as wonderful as Libby as a girlfriend."

"I feel that Libby is pretty lucky too! Out of everyone Libby could have gotten together with, I'm glad it was Molly!" Leah smiled before she noticed a bag of potato chips missing. "That's strange! I could have sworn I brought chips with me."

Knowing that it was Scratch who secretly took the snacks, Sharon decided not to say anything. As Scratch was eating the snacks, he met up with Pete and Darryl, who were setting up the decorations.

"You know, this is a pretty great way to celebrate Molly and Libby getting together!" Scratch smiled before taking a bite out of a chip. "It kind of makes me wish those two confessed their love for each other sooner!"

"It's just so wonderful that Molly found her special someone!" Pete sniffed. "She is growing up so fast!"

"Keep it together, Dad!" Darryl sighed.

It was at that moment when Pete started to calm down. "I'm fine. Scratch, can you go get Molly and Libby and tell them that we are ready? They should be in the backyard."

As Scratch made his way to the backyard, Molly and Libby sat down on the grass together as they silently thought back to everything that had happened to them. After being friends since childhood, they never would have guessed that they would end up being each other's girlfriend. As they held each other's hands, Molly and Libby happily admired the bright summer sky together.

"It's a beautiful day today, isn't it, Libby?" Molly asked.

Libby nodded in agreement. "It is! It makes me excited to spend our first summer as a couple!" Libby replied. "Doesn't it make you feel nervous though?"

"Nervous?" Molly repeated. "Maybe a little. This is a new chapter of our lives, after all!"

"That's true! Not only have we recently gotten together, but we would also be starting high school once the summer is over! It's kind of exciting!" Libby admitted.

"Just remember that no matter what happens in our future, I promise to always be there for you whenever you need me!" Molly promised.

Touched by Molly's words, Libby replied, "I love you, Molly!"

"I love you too, Libby!"

With that, the two girlfriends leaned in closed before their lips finally met in a kiss. The kiss lasted for several seconds when Scratch showed up to see what was going on. It wasn't long before Molly and Libby broke from the kiss and stared lovingly at one another.

"Hey! If you two are done making out, your family wants you to come inside so we can eat!" Scratch announced. "No one is more hungry than I am!"

Molly giggled. "Coming, Scratch!"

Soon, Molly stood up from the ground before helping Libby up. Once they were ready, Molly and Libby held each other's hand before they walked in the house to celebrate their new relationship. With their future looking bright, Molly and Libby knew that they would be by each other's side no matter what and would always love each other forever.

The End

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