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Kev stopped outside Sheila's house, Frank throwing himself out the car and making a run for the front door, Kev and Maisie following behind as the two women pulled up closely behind. "Frank I'm going to fucking kill you" Maisie screamed slamming the door behind her causing Sheila to scream collapsing to the floor and dropping the cake mixture everywhere.

"Bar the door! Lock the door!"

"I thought we lost 'em." Frank whispered ducking down behind the window looking out of it every few seconds in a panic. "Did you even have a plan back there?" Kev snapped shaking his head at the man knowing V was going to murder him when he got back home, if he got back home.

"I was going to charm her into signing once she was there. How the hell was I supposed to know she would show up with ghetto Godzilla in a Peterbilt." Frank cried as Maisie crawled over to the window looking out for the two women.

"I am seriously this close to punching you in the dick. In fact no I might even beat Godzilla in a Peterbilt to it and chop it off" she screamed at the man pulling a knife out her pocket and pointing it at the man but quickly putting it away when she saw the truck approaching.

The three of them crawled to the back of the house Kev trying to push past Frank but he quickly put his arm out stopping him. "They're just girls. Stop. You talk to them." Frank hissed pushing Kev away and crawling into the kitchen over to Sheila.

"I swear to god, you are never helping that man again" Maisie exclaimed.

"Mom. It-it's Mom." Debbie turned round to face Maisie and Kev who sat there looking at one another in a panic before looking back at Debbie. She walked towards the front door opening it and walking out to see Monica who was joined at the side by her girlfriend.

"Debbie. Oh, my sweet pea." she ducked down opening her arms out for a hug and Debbie started to walk towards her contemplating on giving the woman one before pushing her back aggressively and running off.

"What the fuck are you looking at?!" Monica cried as Sheila stood at her window watching the situation. "Hey, look, I got nothing to do with it, all right? I'm just the driver." Kev held his arms up in defense as he tried to walk out the house only for Monica's girlfriend to block his path.

"Sit. Sit your ass down. Both of you" she ordered looking over at Maisie who stood staring at the woman slowly regretting ever getting involved in the Gallagher's because they brought more drama than peace. Monica ran through the house stopping when she saw a quick shot of Frank hiding behind a wall.

"Oh...That was a nasty trick. Even for you, Frank. I had my heart set on that teddy bear." she panted as Frank walked out from his hiding spot to be met with an almost crying Monica. "Oh, poor Monica. Well, what about your kids?! Remember? The six kids? Youngest was only two months old before you ran off. Ended up with... fucking Shrek here." Frank retaliated as Maisie rolled her eyes trying to walk of but the other woman pushed her back into the seat.

"You want me to step in here, Monica?"

"No, I didn't leave you, Frank."

"Yes, you did."

"I didn't choose to leave my family. You almost destroyed me. When I turned up at Roberta's that night, I was an...emotional cripple!" she cried walking towards the man as Frank walked closer to her.

"Oh, bullshit."

"With not one ounce of self-respect. You almost destroyed me."

"I'm gonna start crying."

"You drove me into the ground, Frank. You-you robbed me of any sense of dignity I ever had, and..."

The two bickered back and forth shouting over each other continously. "Can both of you please shut the fuck up" Maisie yelled making the two fall silent and turn to face her. "Maisie. Maisie Milkovich. Oh my god you look so big" Monica ran over to her squeezing the girls cheeks causing the red head to slap her hands.

"Where's the rest of the kids?" she asked turning back to Frank finally settling down a bit. "They're out playing."

"They live down at Fiona's." Sheila blurted out and Maisie turned to face the woman rolling her eyes. 'Pussy' she mouthed to the woman causing Sheila's eyes to widen before pulling some bags out from behind her back.

"You mind putting some bags on? Can you... can you put some bags on your feet?" she stumbled over her words as she held a collection of plastic bags in the air. "Bags on my feet?" Maisie scoffed wondering what sort of mad house Frank was living at with plastic over almost all of the furniture and now bags on feet.

"I'm not putting no fucking bags on my feet" she spat as Kev handed her over a bag as he stared at his in confusion. "Take your shoes off. I need you to put bags on." the woman stressed handing everyone one as Frank and Monica took their shoes off.

"You physically abused me." Monica blurted out causing the pair to start up again. "What?! When?!" Frank exclaimed his voice getting higher because of the accusation. "The Fourth of July." she reminded him causing Frank to shake his head.

"Oh, come on, you hit me in the face with a tray of apple pan dowdy." he shouted pointing to himself as him and Monica walked round each other in circles. "And you hit me back." she fired back getting up in his face aggressively. "Yeah, after you broke my nose and scratched my cornea." he yelled back Maisie and Kev sitting awkwardly as Sheila continuously handed the girl a bag.

"Oh, yeah? What about this?" Monica pulled her top down showing Frank the scar he had given her. "Oh, come on, you started that one." he scoffed. "And I'll finish it if you lay a finger on her." Bob threatened.

"Roberta..." Sheila yelled trying to start a sentence the woman quickly stopped her. "Bob. Only Moni called me Roberta." she corrected pointing at the woman. "All right, well Bob, we're just in the way here and we should make our exit and leave Monica for her apologies." she stuttered fiddling with her hands as Maisie threw the bag on the floor stamping on it after the woman had passed it back to her for the tenth time.

"That will be your head if you hand me another plastic bag" she warned, Kev kicking her in the leg as she said it.

"Apologies? For walking out on this piece of shit?" Monica sniggered finding the woman's sentence humorous. "No, for walking out on them." Sheila pointed over to the door to see everyone but Ian stood at the entrance staring at the woman.

"It's all right. I'm not one of yours. Just came to rubberneck." V poked her head round the wall looking over at Kev and Maisie who remained on the sofa as Bob had ordered them to. "You know I really think I should go, this is a family thing and I'm really not part of it" Maisie gulped standing up and putting the muddy plastic bag on the table causing Lip to tilt his head in confusion.

"She stamped on my bag" Sheila muttered quietly as Maisie picked a coat up from the rack by the door. "That's because your bags are fucking stupid" she yelled as she opened the door saying bye to the Gallagher's she actually liked and leaving, walking to Kash and Grab in hope of finding Ian to find out about Mandy.

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