09 - TRUTH

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" Hyein-aah , are you okay ? " Hanni yelled with concerned tone as she ran towards the two followed by Danielle and Sungho . " I___i'm okay " She replied avoiding the eye contact with Riwoo . " Yah___ you little, i told it's dangerous , what were you thinking for god sake !? " Hanni said hitting her arms a little scolding her . " Ahhh ___, yah , why are you hitting me ? there was a cat stuck there , i was just tryna help " Hyein yelled back explaining herself after she yelled felling the pain in her arm . " You're saying you almost died for a cat !? Are you serious ? " Hanni said with an angry tone .

" Ounnei___ relax , at least she's not hurt , right Hyein-aah " Danielle said looking at Hanni , then at Riwoo with a smile then back at Hyein doing a smirk with the last two words ." Yah__ stop it already " Hyein said with a serious face more like warning ." Stop what ? I'm not doing anything " Danielle asked playing fool. " That face , stop it , erase what you saw from your head , you hearing me ? Don't even daer to start " Hyein said again with angry face . " What did i saw !? , I didn't see anything , don't know what you're talking about " Danielle continued playing dumb while teasing her , Hanni tried to hold her laugh but she couldn't , she giggled a little grabbing their attention , Hyein looked at her with shocked face . " Ounnei___ you too !? " Hyein said with kinda offended and disappointed face and Hanni shook her head still trying to hold her laugh .

" I don't know what you're talking about , right Dani , we didn't see anything " Hanni said then asked Danielle and she nodded . " Yeah totally right " Danielle added nodding , Hyein suddenly stood up running towards the house . " I HATE YOU BOTH___!!" She yelled as she ran faster , Hanni and Danielle looked at each other then started giggling , they both stood up and walked towards the house again , Leaving Riwoo who was still sitting on the ground and Sungho who was still standing in his spot .

When they walked away , Sungho walked closer to his friend and offered his hand to help him up . " You good !? " Sungho asked and Riwoo released a sight then accepted his hand . " Yeah i guess " He answered as he was pulled up by his friend . " A kiss in the first day huh !? Not bad " Sungho said with a serious but still disrespectful tone , Riwoo gave him a serious and redy to kill glare . " Don't even start " Riwoo said with a so done tone as he started walking away , Sungho just released a smile then started walking behind him .

- meanwhile -

Hanni and Danielle walked in to see Minji and Jaehyun in the kitchen standing beside each other taking care of the food while chatting and giggling from time to time , The girls who were hugging each other's arms looked at each other with confused but still teasing eyes then back at the two , they both rolled their eyes walking towards the living room , to see Haerin , Taesan , Leehan and Woonhak sitting there with the awkward silence . " Yah__ where's Hyein!?" Hanni asked grabbing Haerin's attention . " She run upstairs with red face , what happened to here ? " Haerin answered pointing at the stairs then asked , Hanni and Danielle looked at each other again then they giggled . " Nothing , we saw nothing , i guess she just had a fever " Danielle answered and Haerin slowly nodded , and the two girls sat on the couch with the others .

- after a while -

- after a while -

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