chapter 4

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"get ready, we're going in" the black cloaked person said to the 2 brown cloak figures behind him. They were hiding behind a huge tree and observing a building that was guarded by two demons with huge weapons. The sun was going down behind them as the two brown cloaked teenagers wore a smoke mask.

The shortest of the cloaked people took her bow and arrow, targeting the spot between a demon's eyes. She gave a nod when she got a clear vision and the other two got ready with their weapon, a sword and a huge hammer. The tall well build brown cloaked person threw a metalic ball looking like a berry towards the demons.

The thing rolled to one of their feet. Out of curiosity and suspicion the demon crouched down and picked it up. Just when he got back to his position the berry ball blasted loudly emitting some gas around them. The other demon beside the demon that picked up the ball got in alert but suddenly a arrow was shot in between it's eyes causing it to fall to the ground dead.

"Who's there!?" The demon yelled when he heard his companion fall to the ground. He couldn't see bec of the smoke and tried to get the sent of anything but the gas blocked his senses completely.

"Boo" the tall well build brown cloaked figure appeared behind the demon with his hammer ready to strike. When the demon was about to turn back, he smashed his hammer to its face in full force and hit it again to make sure it was dead.

As they killed the demons in the entrance  The black cloaked person walked in without any sound and looked around. It looked normal even after the big blast

He looked into all the room and found it all empty but the things was still in there. He went into the information room and checked through the papers on the shelves and next to huge keyboard. When he accidentally pressed a button on the keyboard, the big black screen lit up a bright white light

He looked up and read the words being written on the screen. 'today we will execute code 90. Everyone in position and the rest to the base for meeting '

'code 90? emergency call huh..what's are u planning ..'

"Captain?!" A girl's voice yelled while walking through the halls and saw the door to her left a bit open. She went in with her big fat bag. Her eyes fell on the black cloaked person who was staring at the white screen," we got everything"

The black cloaked person nodded lightly before walking over to her, ".. something not right"

"No one is in this building so i see why u suspect that but chilax~ it's just our day" a male sound said walking over to them. He also had big full bag and his arm held a lot of snacks to his chest

"Put that down kiroshi! We already have enough!" Ella yelled

The black cloaked person crouched down and opened a shelf to see a lot of tube filled with red liquid. He took two from it and tossed it over to her companies before putting the rest in to her bag. The other two twisted out the top of the tube before gulping it down.

"How long will it all last this time?" Ella asked annoyed as she whipped off the liquid next to her lip.

"Atleast 1 month. But control yourselves and maybe 3 months" the black cloaked person said getting up and asked kiroshi,"weapons?"

"I found a lot this time. Even tons of bullets but the type is different from what we have" kiroshi said," but Noah and i can make it into atleast 19 explosives"

"19?!" Ella asked suprised and stars appeared arround her," we finally hit a jackpot!!"

They moved out the moment the sun was going down after planting explosives inside the building which will blast after they have reached a safe distance. They were a bit slow due to the heaviness of their bag of weapons and food. They also collected water plants for source of drinkable water and some herbs that the black cloaked person says will be useful

Eleutheromania.. (Ray x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora