chapter 1

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It's here guys!

After what felt like an eternity I'm back with the new part of the book. Since a lot of you wanted the story to continue, i decided to give it a go

Honestly I didn't plan to make a book 2 for ' GO SURVIVE'. I was gonna keep it as a mystery of what really happened to our little 81195 y/n.

I was hopping to gain more vote on the other story of Ray x reader I posted in the voting chapter. But since the majority voted for book 2, I gotta keep my word.

So here it is! With new characters and return of old characters with big glow ups!

Im thrilled to say i already have a masterpiece of an ending decided!

Now the question is..

Will you regret asking me for the second part?...

We'll find out by the end of this book. Hehe~

When you hear the word escape the first thing that comes to mind is freedom. that's what they thought they had now after escaping from their home, grace field. Never would they had imagined that the world beyond the tall walls was also something to run from

"It's fine! Think of it as tag!" The orange haired girl said to the kids around her. A loud screech was made by the thing that chased was a huge red and terrifying monster with sound that would make you cover your ears. It had sharp teeth and lots of eyes that followed each of the kids movements

The kids ran through the tall trees around them as fast as they could. The two eldest, the orange hair girl, Emma  and a black haired boy, Ray ran behind the kids to make sure none would fall behind. A girl tripped but on time Emma got her up and ran with her.

Unknown to them that they were being watched..

Four figures followed them from above in the shadows. One was a lot taller and muscular than the other three and wore a dark brown cloak just like the two beside him. Behind them was a black cloaked person who had the long hood of the cloak cover half the face but the intense gaze can be sensed from miles.

"Humans?.. it's just as neo said." One of the hooded women said. She was a few meters taller than the other two but less compared with the tall well build person on her right side

"There really is humans wandering the forest" The short brown cloak girl by the sound of it said,"do you think they escaped from one of the farm?"

"From the clothes they are wearing it's most likely" said the tall brown cloak guy. He had a hug hammer like tors attached to his back, "should we help them?"

"Should we eat them?" The two of them asked same time making one another flinch bec of the question. She peaked her head past the women beside her to look at the guy,"help them? Why should we??  We already have a lot of mouths to feed! And They seems so delicious! i bet there is food in their bag for the others. We can strip them and use the cloths and shoes-"

"Their humans not demons, ella!" Said the tall guy and hit the other in the head with his head. Both of them pushed eachother with their forehead as the women took steps away from them and stood beside the black cloaked person.The tall one took his head back making ella fall forward and hit the tree

"Captain! What do you think! We should help those poor kittens right??" Asked the boy to the black cloaked person who had been watching them fight not even trying to stop them

Eleutheromania.. (Ray x reader)Where stories live. Discover now