chapter 1

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A car pulls up to my front door. "Faith hurry up we will be late" River says getting out of the car and knocking on the door."HOLD ON ILL BE DOWN IN A MINUTE" I shout at him. I hurry down stair and open the door I thought that River was still in his car so I rushed out but ended up bumping into him placing my hands on his chest to stop me getting hurt. "Woah slow down there" he chuckles as he grabs my bags. We hop into his sliver car and he starts driving. I end up falling asleep while thinking about who I might be rooming whith. About an hour later we arrive him shaking me awake."Hey ur awake now" he grabs ur bags and place's them on the floor."yk u dident need to shake me like that" I say tiered.
He grabs my wrist and starts running whith all our bags till we reached the doorm rooms. We both spread out to find our doors when we realise we landed at the same doorm."Hey look we have the same doorm. Wait what do I call u now my best freind or roomie" he said while unlocking the door. "I guess u call ne both" I reply while walking into the room. We settled down onto the couch out of breath when River suddenly started laughing. "What the hell is wrong whith u" I say chuckling to. "Nothing it's just weird 2 best freinds have to share a doorm." He says giggling . I go to check the time and its 12:54 "Hey River its late I'm going to bed ok." U say walking off. "COMEING" he replys running towards u. "Oh shit" there's only one bed
"River what do we do" I ask him worried. "Let's just share it for now k" he says in a sleepy voice. We both get changed and hop into bed hopefully the bed wouldn't collapse.

Hello readers.
This is my first story ever. I normally read the story's on wattpad so this is a change. Anyway happy reading.dont  be afraid to comment :)

me and my best freindHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin