Chapter 7

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It had only been a few hours since Giyuu left the Uzui household. Although somehow, Tengen was not surprised to be sent a letter by the quiet man. He knew Giyuu sent the letter just by the sight of a crippled old crow in the distance.

Tengen had felt off since Giyuu left. He felt as though something might happen with the other in such an emotional state, whether the quiet man accepted that or not. There were even times Tengen contemplated going to the Water Estate to find the other. But it was rude to go to someone's house uninvited, especially when there might not be anything wrong. This was Tengen's chance though.

For some reason, even though he had just gotten to know Giyuu, Tengen felt as though he wanted to spend every day with the man. Tengen was already planning on asking Giyuu to get lunch with him, and maybe Kyojuro, in the city. Although, something about Giyuu was different, and Tengen couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Tengen took the letter away from the crow. "Thank you." He then opened the letter and began to read it.

"Dear Tengen Uzui,"

"How has your day been? Although I am writing to you about a manner involving my well-being, I would like to know of yours. I hope you have had a nice day. I hope your wives are doing well, too. They are nice women, and I really enjoyed it when Suma did my hair."

"I am writing to you today to discuss a matter you mentioned when we ate breakfast together. You said you would like to know what happened to me before you came along. If I am not mistaken, you also said you would like to help me. I appreciate your offer. After thinking about it, I have decided I would like to tell you what happened, mostly because it happened again. Although, this time it seemed to be worse."

"Whenever you find the time, you are invited to the Water Estate to talk. Please, do not feel obligated to come if you don't want to. One more thing, take your time to get here. I am okay. It is also fine if you come immediately. I am fine with anything."

"See you soon (or not), Giyuu Tomioka."

Tengen read through the letter quickly. He was concerned to say the least. Giyuu couldn't even go a full day without breaking down again. What was happening to this man? Tengen focused on the part where Giyuu mentioned the breakdown had been worse.

Within seconds, Tengen told his wives he was needed somewhere, and he ran out of the house. Giyuu was a fool to think Tengen didn't care about what was happening. Of course, Tengen cared! He always will if the situation was this bad!

Even though Giyuu mentioned in the letter that he was fine now, Tengen was still in a hurry to get to the Water Estate. Even getting the letter in the first place was a sign to Tengen that Giyuu trusted him. Giyuu trusted him, and that was enough of a reason Tengen needed to rush over to the man's house because he was sad. If Giyuu trusted Tengen with this information, the Sound Hashira would do anything in return.

Tengen seemed to make it to the Water Estate in record time. He took a few seconds to breathe, knocking on the door while he did so. As if Giyuu had been hoping to see Tengen this soon, the door opened almost immediately.

"Uzui. I didn't think you would actually come this soon," Giyuu said.

The other Hashira looked up at Giyuu as if he were to call the quiet man crazy. "Of course I came! I told you I wanted to know more about your problems, didn't I?" Giyuu was quiet as he thought back on their previous conversation. "Exactly," Tengen said with a visible smirk.

Giyuu looked away from the taller man. He was already embarrassed. Somehow, he got embarrassed a lot easier around Tengen. What could this mean?

The shorter Hashira shook the confusing thoughts out of his head. He then moved aside. "Come in, Uzui. I'll make us some tea." Giyuu motioned for Tengen to enter the estate.

Tengen stepped into the building, grateful for not being sent away last minute. In fact, that fear had been in the back of Tengen's mind all day. What if Giyuu suddenly stopped wanting to talk about his issues? What if Giyuu decides he doesn't want to be Tengen's friend after all? It was all possible, but hopefully the quiet man didn't do any of it.

Giyuu closed the door behind his guest, grabbing Tengen's hand afterward. Both of the men paused for a split second. They were feeling such strange feelings. Though Tengen knew what they were, Giyuu did not.

Despite this, Giyuu led Tengen to a room with a table and a few seating cushions. "Please, take a seat," Giyuu said, trying to sound as polite as possible. "I'll go and get us some tea. Make yourself comfortable."

The quiet man walked away quickly. He wanted to get away from Tengen, but at the same time, he wanted to be near the other in all ways possible. This was confusing. Giyuu didn't like these feelings. Though he didn't know what the feeling was, he knew the feeling was familiar. 

Tengen, on the other hand, was feeling even more confused. Tengen wanted to be Giyuu's friend, yes, but he felt feelings that were different than those intentions. Tengen felt a longing feeling toward Giyuu. Although, that wasn't what concerned the man.

While Tengen understood why he so desperately wanted to be the quiet man's friend, he didn't know why there was more to the feeling. It was as if Tengen wanted to be unbelievably close to Giyuu. It was as if Tengen wanted to be more than friends. But, Tengen had three beautiful wives. They were his everything. Why was Tengen feeling as though there is a hole in his heart where Giyuu should be? Doesn't the flashy individual have enough already? Shouldn't he be satisfied?

Both of the men were confused with their feelings. They didn't know why they were feeling these things. Especially toward each other.

There was nothing they could do, though. Maybe these thoughts and emotions would go away over time. But maybe, they would keep growing until they get satisfied. 

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