Chapter 1

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Giyuu awoke slowly. Was everything just a dream? Possibly. But, where was he? This wasn't his bedroom.

A woman gasped, catching Giyuu's attention. "Lord Tengen! He's awake, he's awake!"

The damp rag she had been holding was dropped to the floor in an instant. She then ran to Giyuu's side, tears filling her eyes. The woman grabbed Giyuu's arm and pulled him up into a hug.

Giyuu's eyes widened. He had no idea what was going on. At all. "M-ma'am..." His voice was weak.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" the woman cried. "I don't know how I would feel if you died in my house!"

The words concerned Giyuu. This woman reminded him of Tanjiro's friend, Zenitsu. What confused Giyuu the most, though, is why this woman cared so much. He didn't know her.

However, this woman seemed to know Tengen. She knew him well enough to call him by his first name. Were they related by any chance? Suddenly, another woman busted into the room. This woman had yellow and black hair. She also seemed a lot more aggressive.

"Suma, you're overreacting and it's freaking him out!" the new woman yelled. She walked up to the other woman, whose name was apparently Suma, and tried to pull her off of Giyuu.

Suma didn't want to let go. Instead, she hugged Giyuu even tighter, tears flooding down her face. "But, he's alive!"

The other woman got visibly angrier. "He wasn't going to die to begin with!"

"You don't know that!" Sums cried again.

The woman with yellow hair seemed as though she was about to lose it. Before she could, a familiar face entered the room.

"Suma, Makio," the voice spoke. "Calm down, ladies."

The women took their attention off of Giyuu to face the new person. "Lord Tengen!" They seemed to speak at the same time, though Giyuu couldn't tell if that was on purpose or not.

Wait... Tengen. Those women were talking to Tengen. So, it wasn't a dream.

Everything seemed to come back to Giyuu. It all came back in an instant, and he began connecting the dots.

Tengen looked at Giyuu and chuckled. "I'm glad to see you awake, Tomioka."

It took Giyuu a couple of seconds to process the words. Tengen. Was glad to see him? That couldn't be right.

Giyuu tried to speak, but he was only met with a raspy, weak voice. His throat was unbelievably dry, causing him to have a small coughing fit.

Suma looked alarmed, obviously caring for the quiet man's well-being. "Let me get you some water, Sir."

"No need, Suma. I'm one step ahead of you," A new woman walked into the room. She was holding a cup, and she looked like she would be the calmest of the three women in the room. The new character walked up to Giyuu and handed him the cup of water. "Here you go, Sir. Your throat must be dry."

Giyuu gave the woman a small nod, taking the cup gratefully. He immediately started downing the refreshing liquid.

"Thank you, ladies. You all can continue with your days, now," Tengen spoke with a smile. He then looked back at Giyuu. "I would like to have a conversation with Tomioka."

The women looked at each other, then back to Tengen. "Yes, Lord Tengen," they all said in unison. They then walked out of the room, Suma sending her prayers before being hit across the head by Makio.

The guys watched as the girls eventually left the room, Tengen laughing softly at the sight. He turned to look at Giyuu once more. "Sorry if they startled you. Those are my wives. The emotional one is Suma, the more aggressive one is Makio, and the calm one is Hinatsuru."

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