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Giyuu Tomioka was a lonely Hashira. He was quiet, and he had barely any friends. He kept to himself, and no one knew why. As an outsider without the full story, it would be hard to dislike him. The other Hashira, however, were a different story.

The other Hashira had known Giyuu for a while, some going on four or five years. It didn't matter how long they had known the quiet man, the others all knew the same thing. Giyuu was an arrogant asshole who thought he was better than everyone.

"He thinks he's better than us!"

"What a dick. He doesn't even try to hide these emotions."

"I don't usually talk bad about people, but he was a little rude. He barely spoke to me."

"The only flashy thing about him is his haori, which is still kind of bland."


"I shall pray to the gods he is okay mentally."

"He's so rude, never responding to anyone. I guess that's why he has no friends."

"I don't think he wants to be our friend! He would talk to us if he did!"

The other Hashira thought the same thing, though some had a nicer approach than others. But, none of them had the full story either.

Giyuu sighed quietly as he walked past the other Hashira. He was close enough to hear the conversation, but he was also far enough no one noticed him.

The quiet Water Hashira didn't like the fact that's how the others saw him. But, at the same time, it was none of their business what Giyuu had gone through as a child.

Giyuu tried not to care about the other's opinions, but he couldn't help it. They always got to him in the end, and that was something Giyuu hated about himself. He can never let go.

The man sighed again, as a single tear rolled down his cheek. Why couldn't he let go? He can't let go of anything. He hasn't let go of the deaths of his sister and best friend, and he can't let go of the cruel things the other Hashira say.

The thoughts were still flooding Giyuu's brain when he noticed a pretty cherry tree. He decided to sit against its trunk, almost immediately bringing his knees to his chest. Another tear fell as Giyuu looked at the ground.

He didn't like to think he was truly alone without friends. Giyuu had Tanjiro, Nezuko, and their two friends that came around every now and then. Still, they barely speak unless they accidentally bump into each other.

It wasn't long until occasional tears turned into a constant stream.

Who was he kidding? The other Hashira were right. They were always right. Giyuu was just a loner who avoided everyone like they were the plague. No one would want to be friends with someone like that.

Giyuu's body turned against him and his tears turned into soft but audible sobs.

The quiet man felt worthless. No one needed him. No one liked him. He didn't deserve to be alive. No. He wasn't even supposed to be alive.

It should have been him. It should have been Giyuu that died. But it wasn't. First, it was his sister, Tsutako. Then, it was Giyuu's beloved friend, Sabito.

Either of them would have been better.

Maybe, if Tsutako had just run away and left Giyuu to die, she would have been able to get married. Maybe, she could be living a happy life with her husband. But, no. She sacrificed herself the day before her wedding, for what? So Giyuu could live his life without her?

Maybe, if Sabito had left Giyuu to fend for himself from the start of Final Selection, he would be the Water Hashira. Sabito could be friends with the other Hashira, and he could be a lot more useful in the mission of exterminating any and all demons. But, no. He sacrificed his life for Giyuu and everyone else in their Final Selection. Why? Didn't he realize he could have been one of the strongest Hashira by now?

Giyuu didn't resent his sister or his friend. Instead, he despised himself. If it weren't for him, they would both still be here. If it weren't for him, they could have lived the lives they deserved.

It was all Giyuu's fault.

Giyuu sat under the tree. He sat there and he cried. He didn't know how long he sat there, but every time he thought the tears had stopped, they fell again. Maybe this was a punishment from the gods. After all, everything was Giyuu's fault.

The Water Hashira was drowning in his sadness. He wanted to curl up and disappear. Maybe he would get eaten by a demon if he sat here long enough.

Suddenly, there were footsteps. They got closer and closer.

Giyuu blinked a few times, finally noticing the feet of whoever approached him. He silently thanked the gods that they didn't belong to Kocho.

Although he had come to his senses, tears still flooded down Giyuu's face. They wouldn't stop. The quiet man felt bad for whoever had to see him in this state.

The person standing in front of this broken man crouched down. Giyuu was surprised when he saw the face of the Sound Hashira, Tengen Uzui.

The two held eye contact for a few seconds before Giyuu became uncomfortable and looked away. Although, the confused and concerned look on Tengen's face was engraved into Giyuu's brain.

As much as Giyuu hoped he didn't, Tengen reached out to tap the other's shoulder. Accepting his fate, the Water Hashira turned back.

"W-what?" Giyuu asked. He mentally scolded himself for sounding so weak.

"Tomioka... Are you okay?" Tengen was a lot quieter than normal. Perhaps he actually cared? No, that would be impossible. Those words, though. Those words were Giyuu's breaking point. He broke completely, crumbling before a guy he had barely spoken to. Uzui was taken by surprise. "Tomioka!"

Tengen had no idea what to do. He didn't know Giyuu, and Giyuu didn't know him. But, something was wrong.

The conversation Tengen had with the other Hashira flashed in his mind. He heard someone walk past the group, but he didn't think much of it. Maybe it was Giyuu?

Just thinking of how he stooped that low disgusted Tengen. He was even more disgusted with himself for possibly being the reason for such a quiet man's mental breakdown. How could Tengen do this?

More importantly, how was he supposed to deal with this? Tengen couldn't just leave Giyuu alone, so he did the only thing he thought would work. Although it was a risk, seeing as Giyuu isn't one of his wives, it was worth a try.

Tengen placed his knees on the ground and took a deep breath. He reached forward, placed his hands on Giyuu's shoulders, and he pulled the man close.

The action surprised Giyuu, but he didn't push away. His body wouldn't let him. Instead, he gripped the tall man's uniform like his life depended on it.

Giyuu wasn't normally a man to like physical touch. But this. He needed this. He never wanted to let go. For the first time in years, he actually felt safe.

And then it hit him.

Giyuu's breathing slowed, and his tears eventually stopped. The Water Hashira had officially slipped into unconsciousness, burdening Tengen once again.

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