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Su Lin'an looked at the angry Que Ling, feeling speechless for not knowing what to say.

Although Que Ling's experience is not the same as his, to some extent it is the same goal. They are all alone in the vast universe, with no relatives. Perhaps Que Ling was more miserable than him, because he knew that he had no hope of returning home. Que Ling has a goal in his heart, he is like a donkey hanging from a carrot, it is more painful to have hope.

He can understand Que Ling's mood, but he can't agree with his unscrupulous actions to achieve his goals. No one should do anything to harm innocent people in order to achieve their own goals.

The two lay side by side on the hospital bed, looking at each other silently.

Que Ling felt lonely and sad. Over the years, it is rare to meet a friend who may understand his culture and behavior best, and he failed again.

He knows no one can understand him. Perhaps in the eyes of others, what he did has no bottom line, but he has no choice. Que Ling turned over stiffly, unwilling to meet Su Lin'an's eyes.

Su Lin'an stared at the back of his evasive head, with disappointment flashing in his eyes.

This time the alien was parasitic on the body of the mermaid and was able to hide the invasion of Andromeda from the federal monitoring system. In other words, as many aliens died, so many mermaids died. This number is huge.

"Su Zai, when you felt sorry for the mermaids, did you ever think that they deserve it?"

I don't know how long it was silent, but Que Ling's voice sounded muffled from the other side, "Because they are greedy! Because they have tasted the sweetness! After gaining freedom, they want to gain more international discourse rights, and the proposal of using aliens to enhance the fighting power of mermaids is just a guess. , It was they who decided to do this, and what the consequences would be, shouldn’t they be responsible for it themselves!”

"So are you misleading them?" Su Lin'an's brain was buzzing, his mental power was overused, and he really wanted to vomit, "You told them that letting aliens parasitize them can gain the combat power of aliens?"

"I've said it, I've told them, it's just a guess."

Obscurity flashed across Que Ling's eyes, and one exposed eye was so red that it was about to bleed: "They deserve it!!"

Su Linan was silent.

He actually knew very little about the history of the universe. The ups and downs and development of the various planets are unclear. Although I have heard of Aquamarine's evaluation from Saxi or others, it may be a preconceived understanding process. He has a special kind of compassion for the creature merman.

This is a race that has been struggling to gain respect and freedom.

But that doesn't mean he agrees with the mermaid's approach. But many times, as a petty citizen. Su Lin'an actually understood one thing very well. Decisions are made by the rulers at the top, but the consequences are borne by the people at the bottom. And most of the time, even in times of adversity, rulers still maintain the elegance of aristocrats in times of adversity.

It is always the lower class who are hurt, whether it is before or after gaining respect. He just sympathized with the innocent mermaid civilians.

There was another silence.

Bai Wu, who was sleeping on the other side of the two, did not move, turned over slightly, and was completely quiet.

The speed of the aircraft was very fast, and in less than twenty minutes, they had already been sent to a special nursing ward. The hospitals in the interstellar world are very efficient in treating patients, but they are limited to the ailments on the planet. Impaired mental strength, long-term hospitalization is required.

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