19~ They lurk in the shadows

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Guided only by the sound of rustling leaves and Caspian's gestures we made it safely back to our base, back to the mound. Where our now much larger army was suiting up.

After dismounting we were guided by a fox to another dimly lit, damp room . All of us becoming more aware of what lay ahead.

Placed on stands glistening in the torchlight, our armour awaited our arrival. Gold lions were embroidered somewhere on all garments whether it be in the centre of the chest or a patch on an arm. It was a reminder of Aslan, a reminder to have faith. To have hope.

Placed with each set of armour was a roughly scribbled note most likely written by a fawn, kind and loyal creatures but not the best at spelling. The untidy pieces of parchment read the name of whom the suit was meant for.

"HAH!" Peter seemed utterly uplifted as he read aloud a scribbled name " His majesty 'pine caspin' 's suit awaits him.." and he gestured grandly to the shiny garment.

Half hearted giggles rang through the stagnant air. Everyone was nervous, to different extents. But I think we all appreciated Peters smile.

" 'King Edmard' " he walked down the table trying to make us all feel a bit lighter "more like King Ed- mardy!"

Susan laughed above all of our slightly more cheery giggles. She must have found Peter's joke hilarious as she covered her mouth and looked at Edmund unable to contain her laughter. Edmund just shrugged as if used to it. Which made it funnier. He walked over to peters armour and snickering read aloud "Hi King petar" accentuating the misspelled name.

We all giggled and proceeded to find our own suits.

My suit was placed in between lucy and Susan's, however the note didn't read a morphed version of my name, but a phrase I had never seen before.

'spes nova'

Is that what the Narnians referred to me as? Some foreign sounding words?

My actions halted as I thought, maybe it's an ancient language, maybe the others would recognise this strange tounge...

"Hey guys, does Narnia have like two national languages or something?"

"No not at the moment." Caspian replied. "Although I can't speak for the Narnians, just the Telmarines." He let out in an awkward sigh.

"There wasn't when we ruled either." Susan answered with a shrug.

"Why?" Edmund questioned my sudden interest?

"My name tag, " I attempted to pronounce the unfamiliar words "it's says 'spes nova' ?"

The room was silent for a moment while the others tried to rack their memory for any explanation, when suddenly a short and wide figure emerged from a dim corner behind Caspian. It placed a sturdy stick beside it as it took a step forward, warm torchlight flooded its face, eliminating each wise wrinkle and reflecting of the neatly combed back silver hair atop its head.

"Professor." Caspian said "I had no idea you were there"

His eyes twinkled marvellously and quickly flashed over me before returning to Caspian. "I fell asleep there earlier" he replied and shrugged it off, then pranced over to me giving me a wink before abruptly stopping over my armour.

The others slowly formed a wall behind me, watching.

"spes nova, spes nova, spes nova" he muttered to himself on repeat like he was flicking through files in his mind.
"Ah!" He said pointing a ginger perfectly upright in the air.
"spes nova, Latin. For... " he paused again then nodded "new hope."

She Who Has Received The Roar- Edmund Pevensie FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang