ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 26 : ᖇᑌᗪᗴ ᗷITᑕᕼ

Start from the beginning

"A window?"

"I believe we chalked that up to someone forgetting to close it, but..." the policeman mutters

"Which window was it?"

"If I remember right... it was this window" Dr. Narumi gestures at the window but didn't notice the figure outside. Luckily, the gang noticed

"Who's there?!"

Kogoro opens the window and Kana gracefully jumps out of it while Kogoro stumbles a bit.

"Damn it! We lost him!" Kogoro says as they ran into the woods "I was right! He did come back to get his music sheet!" taking out the sheet "Okay! We're going to stay up all night and keep watch over this place! Okay?!"

"Okay!" they replied as they got back to the room


"Hey. Mouri-kun. Mouri-kun!" Inspector Megure, who just arrived tries to wake him up "It's afternoon"

Realizing who just woke him up, Kogoro bolts awake "Inspector Megure... What are you doing here?"

"This island is technically part of Tokyo"

"Oh, yeah. Where did I put it?" he searches his pockets

"If you're looking for the music sheet, Kana-chan gave it to me. She also gave me the gist of the situation here. All four of them were still awake by the time I arrived" he says as he looks at the sleeping people "You and that old man were the only ones asleep. They are interrogating people over at the town hall. Come give them a hand"

"Sure..." the disheveled Kogoro answers


Finally, the four sleepyheads wake up from their slumber "We really shouldn't have slept there"

Kogoro approaches them, having just finished interrogation "Dad! Well? Did you figure out who did it?"

"Yeah, right. There were 38 people at the memorial. It won't be that easy"

"Sorry, but when will it be my turn?" Dr. Narumi sleepily asks

"You seem exhausted, so you're scheduled to be last"

"In that case, I think I'll go wash my face in the ladies' room" she touches as she gets up

"How many more interviewees are there?" Conan asks

"Including Dr. Narumi, there's six, the mayor's daughter, Reiko Kuroiwa, her fiance, Shuichi Murasawa, mayoral candidate, Masato Shimizu, the mayor's secretary, Kazuaki Hirata, and Ken Nishimoto, who we are interviewing right now, but he's really wasting our time. He won't say a word, no matter what we ask him. My instincts said he did it!"

"Idiot!" someone yelled which scared Hirata "There's no curse on the piano" Kuroiwa yells "As long as that thing is around, these murders will keep happening!"

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