One: Welcome Back

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"Oh no." Rory whispers to herself.

"I signed up both up for debutants."

My eyes pop out and Rory just groans. "Mom." Rory drags out her name and whines. "I'm gonna be eighteen soon! I can't be a deb." Mom shakes her head. "Okay, go before you actually miss your flight. I'll you guys in a couple of weeks and for the Debutant ball." She squeals.

"I actually can't believe her."  Rory says as we check in our bags. "Really? I can." I shrug. Rory began to complain about how this is gonna take away from her summer all the way to our gate and until we boarded our plan.

It's gotten to the point where I'm just nodding and saying "oh yea." every once in a while. She finally stopped talking once we were taking off. Thank god. I brought out one of my books that I packed with me and reached for my headphones. "Well I guess it is good mom signed you up." Rory says. I give her a look not knowing what she meant.

"What do you mean?"

Rory's rises her shoulders up. "I mean if it wasn't for cheer Gwenie. You would be locked up in your room watching romcoms or reading books. Especially at dads because he lets you do whatever you want." I scoff in offense and push her shoulder. I hated how she was right but what else would I be doing. "Dad doesn't let me do whatever I want. And what's wrong with reading and watching movies?" This time Rory gave me a look.

" Guinevere, you are fifteen about to be sixteen in two weeks. You haven't partied, drank, first kiss. How many times are you gonna read and watch about other people living a life you are supposed to?"

She had a point. I hated when she has a point. "This summer should be you living the life you dream of." I smiled and nodded my head. This summer will be about doing things I wouldn't do. I'm going to have the best summer ever. All I have to do to is forget about why I haven't been back in three years and to forget the feeling of accidentally bumping into him.

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Finally after a good 5 hours we were waiting for our bags and finding our father. The sun was starting to set a pretty pink and blue color. What I always admire about this place. A small smile appeared on my lips as I stare at the big airport windows.

"Girls." I hear from behind us. My dad looked the same. His hear was still curly, his smile was just as bright, and outfits were very much dad. Rory was the first to hug him. Once they pulled apart it was my turn. "Gwenie bear. Look at you." Dad says swing me around like he did when I was a kid. "You're grown up." He smiles with a frown. He did look the same. From far away. But up close, his eyes looked older, He had specks of grey hair, and his smile lines were more defined. This made me hug him even more.

"Ready for a good summer!" Dad cheers as he puts me down. Rory and I nodded. It wasn't until we took our first steps outside the airport when I finally took a breath. Being here helps makes all your worries disappear. It's what I love about it.

"I stock up the house with some of your favorite snacks, your rooms are still the same but if you guys want to change things up then go right ahead, and for dinner we can order in like we do on the first nights." Dad lists off. If our rooms are still the same then that means pictures of Cameron still lie on my mirror. And on my walls. And on my bedside tables. God, I was really obsessed with him.

"Yea I think it's time for me to redo my room."

Dad laughed and looks at me in the mirror. "Aww come on Gwenie. The blue bunnies and Justin Bieber poster not you anymore?" He jokes causing us to laugh.

"No, just it needs something new."

We finally reach the beach house and I let out a good stretch once I got out of the car. The house also stayed the same. The baby blue house that held so many memories in it. I loved it. Once I entered it the house, I felt like I was six years old again waiting for Susannah to say it was okay for us to go over there. Moms old bath and body works candle still stood on displayed and some were eve lit up. It smelled like the sea air with hints of fresh linens.

I walked up the creaky black stairs and enter to the room two doors down from the right. My room. I had to prepare myself for what still hangs on the walls. Placing my hand on the door nob, I pushed it open.

The walls were still light pink and Justin did still hang on the walls. A small smile appeared on my lips. As much as I love my room in California, my room here just brought so much comfort. Unconsciously, i gripped the small locket that sat on my neck for a while.

I dropped my bags and took my shoes off. The first thing I did was unpack my swimsuits. I want to surf so bad. I grabbed some other clothes and pull out a drawer from the small dresser by my mirror. Some clothes that fit only my thirteen year body stayed in here. I laugh and take those clothes out and setting down my new ones. But once I get up, I see our picture there.

It was held in a black frame with red sharpie drawn hearts on it. Cameron had me on his back as we posed for the camera. I picked it up and the feelings of embarrassment and sadness took over me. Parts of me wished I just just kept my thoughts to myself. To try and play it off that way we didn't have to go three whole years without speaking. That way I didn't have to find another way to spend my summers cause I was embarrassed to see his face.

Before any other emotion could enter my body, a knock broke me out of my head. "Hey Gwenie. I got your bored waxed up and ready to go. I know that would be the first thing you wanted to do." Dad says. I smiled and set the picture down. "Thanks dad. I'll probably go soon." I tell him. With that he nods and closes my door.

Rory is right. This summer is all about living. I'm not gonna mope around about some guy who I was head over heels about. I'm gonna party, I'm gonna talk to guys, and I'm gonna have a good ass summer.

Summer Child-Cam Cameron Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum