ME: What?

She insists

I pause

ME: You mean, like, let's go... now?
MOLLY: Of course, now. Everything is ready.

I am not ready

She insists. Again

I look next to me
I see two suitcases
I look at them

Hey, that's my pink suitcase!
I thought I broke it, 2 years ago


Molly grabs her black suitcase and hands me mine
I take it
I weigh it. It's light

Too light

Oh, come on
Is it a prop again? Is something bad about to happen?

I give a good look at the room
Nothing suspicious

I mean, at least this time, I know that this is a dream
Meaning, I should be able to wake up on demand, if anything goes wrong

I guess...

Let's see what awaits us

I see Molly opening the door
I follow her

We suddenly find ourselves in a forest

A forest?

I take a good look around
I see wood panels
I see trees with paint on it

Is this what Australia is supposed to look like?

ME: So... that's Australia?
MOLLY: Apparently.
ME: Where are the cute Australians?
MOLLY: And the koalas?

The... right

ME: Yes, that too.
MOLLY: Kangaroo?
ME: What?
MOLLY: No, I thought you said Kangaroo.
ME: No, I didn't.

Why on earth would I ever say kangaroo?

I look around, confused

ME: But seriously though, where are the Australians?

She looks around, confused as well

Suddenly, we hear a loud noise behind us

We turn around

There is a wooden table, 6 feet from us

There seems to be something on it

I look at Molly
She shrugs her shoulders
I do the same

As we get closer to the table, I can see a sheet
Only, there seems to be something under it
Molly doesn't even hesitate and removes the sheet from the table

Holy shit
(Holy sheet?)

This is it
We are going to be in the Hunger Games

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