♡ Note maker

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As soon as I answered yes, to punz I had a crush it all.. went quiet from those two.. there been getting odd when they see me blushing at the notes.

"We have bigger things to fry.. who is dreams oddly flirty stalker" Karl said.

I mean the notes. Make it seem like they are someone close to me... I have a felling it's jezelle tho.

"Stalker..? Are you sure  there stalking that can be a serious accusation" punz said, non-shaluntly.

"They have to be, if they can detile  the scent of dream colgn" Karl said. "Why are you defending them punz"

"I mean whom it is have a slight possibly to be one.. or more of us to Karl by the notes" sapnap said, "that or they could have someone in the group.. feeding information"

"I'm thinking it's jezelle" I mutter.

"Witch jezelle. Obsessive freak, or rosemary"  Quackity  asked.

"One who's litterly beged to date me.. tho everyone knows I'm into men" I mutter.

Punz and sapnap look to echother and at me. "I highly dought she could write a letter that makes you red." Punz said, "all she knows how to do is twirl her hair and whine"

I'd chuckle, "God you always know what to say leave tension.. punz"

Why was my heart beating.. he's taken... shit.. my crush.. i-

George hugged my arm, "I mean you could give me hickeys to show ur gay to her~"

"George you have better luck with a mirror then dream at this rate jeez it's painful" sapnap rolled his eyes.

"Not funny!" George  snared. "Shut up there you're making us all thirdwheel"

"Not my fault you all have gotten relationships yet" punz said, "certinly isn't sapnaps either."

What is this feeling in me.. its new I don't understand  it.. "I don't fell like I'm third wheeling, they may kiss or cuddle. But they are very cute" I mutter.

Sapnap hid into punzs chest, "im not cute!" He'd huff.

"Yes you are" punz snaped at him.

They had a jokey back and forth of yes, no.

"Alright love birds stop it" george snared.

For whatever reason he's been rude to them.

They just glare at echother.

"Youre just made you're tusyandere feelings don't attract" punz rolled his eyes, in a cold voice.

"Woah punz- isn't that a bit harsh" Karl said.

Wait do they know something about george I dont... like..

"Am I missing something... it got tenser" I mutter.

"Don't worry you're pretty head about it" sapnap said humming soft.

"Sapnap just stop  y-" george started quackity sushed him shaking his head.

"George  just stop, if punz had a issue with it it'll be a problem. Not you.  Or if dream did" Quackity  Saif, "our goal is the love letters not mocking our friends."

George huffed.

"Youre being bratty george" I  said quietly.

"Oh you don't know ." George huffed.

"George just hold you're birtish tounge" punz snaped, "its not you're show right now"

He and sapnap are acting odd.. I mean it's obvious George likes me... but for some reason my heart beats at the note maker.

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