The Oak Tree

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Tall trees hung above me as my bare feet made its way through the damp forest, Occasional sticks poked my feet as I walked along but I didn't let it bother me. I had to get where I was going before I ran out of time.

It was evening, just before sunset. Shades of pink and purple and orange decorated the blue sky. I finally made it to my destination. A large oak free stood in front of me, its branches thin but not thin enough to break underneath my weight. The bottom of my feet were scratched by the rough bark of the oak tree but I kept going. The sun would soon set and coming this far would be for nothing. I made it as far as I could before the main branch spread out into thinner branches.

The trees that once towered over me are now slightly below me. The colorful sky glowed as the sun peeked through the clouds just above the horizon. A gentle breeze would come often, shaking the leafs around me, causing the branch I was sitting on to bounce just a little. I paid no attention to it though for the sight in front of me was far more precious that any being I ever knew could be. Birds would fly across the sky, their feathers touching the suns warmth, the ends of their wings kissing it goodbye for the night.

This is as close to freedom I could get, on the verge of life and death. Hanging off the branch of a tree high off the ground. One snap and I would fall to my death. Yet the sun stares at me from the sky, reminding me of my reason for living. I was scared and happy at the same time and that is a feeling that is rare to feel on just any day. You have to create it. Just as I was created onto this earth.

The sun disappeared behind the fine line that separated the floor and sky and I climbed down the large oak tree, being towered by the once small trees once again.

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