Harmonious Perfection Pt 2

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A/N: HEYY so I finally decided to write this! If you forgot about Pt 1, I wrote it early this year. It was about Dylmas rooming together (and sleeping in the same bed) during filming, then as they slept they hugged and kissed and stuff, both confused and wondering. It was a huge fluff fic and due to popular request, here's part 2!

Dylan POV

I woke to the sound of my phone buzzing beside me. The sun shone through the slit in the curtain where I hadn't bothered to close it properly, bright and unwelcomed. I ignored it, snuggling closer to whatever I was cuddling. With a start, I realised that it was Thomas.

I was hugging Thomas.

I was sleeping with Thomas.


Well, not in that way. Yet.

Stop, stop right there.

My phone buzzed a couple, or a couple hundred, more times. With a groan, I reached over to the nightstand and grabbed it.

I was originally just going to turn it off, but seeing that it was from Twitter, I got curious. Squinting, I opened an attached photo. It was a blurry picture of two entwined bodies underneath a white duvet. The photo was taken from such an angle that you could only see the back of one person, and two heads of messy, bed-ridden hair. One blond, one brunette.

The room looked familiar, with a neat little desk and coats hung on hooks on the wall. Slowly, I turned around. Similar coats were hung on our wall. And the realization dawned upon me.

That couple wasn't just any couple.

It was Thomas and me.

A/N: At this place my Wattpad crashed and it didn't save any of what I wrote below >_> so I had to rewrite it sigh...


How the hell did they even manage to get that photo?

I squinted at the screen, then threw back the curtains. My answer was sitting right across the street, in the form of a tall apartment building.


I groaned, and started to pace back and forth along the side of the room. Crap.

As if on cue, I sensed movement beside me, and Thomas woke up. "Morning, love," he said, his voice husky from sleep. A feeling of something rose up in my chest, but I ignored it for now. This was more important.

"Dude, look at this," I told him, showing him my phone.

"What? Oh... Wait. That's us isn't it?"

"YES, that's us. What do we do now?" I ran my fingers through my hair, looking at him with troubled eyes.

Thomas blinked at me, silent.

"Thomas, we can't let this get out! It's already all over Twitter, it'll only be a matter of minutes before it gets entertainment news coverage. Oh my god, what are we going to do?" I all but shouted in his face. 

He winced at my voice, and I immediately realized how rude I'd been. "Shit, sorry," I muttered.

Thomas POV

I looked up at the phone, then at Dylan. We looked like ...a couple. I realized, then, how much I wanted us to be. He continued pacing up and down the room, very frustrated and very shirtless. His hair was still messy from last night and from him constantly running his fingers through it.

Oh, last night was a blessing. I smiled as I recalled what had happened, the warm feeling of his arms around me and his lips against mine.

"Thomas, we can't let this get out! It's already all over Twitter, it'll only be a matter of minutes before it gets entertainment news coverage. Oh my god, what are we going to do?" His hoarse shout pulled me out of my daze, and I winced. I couldn't help but feel hurt. Up until now, I actually thought he felt the same way... But was it just sleep muddling with his thoughts?

"Shit, sorry," he quickly apologized, sending me a sorrowful glance. But it didn't help to ease the pain inside, the pain that maybe he didn't like me that way. He sure didn't seem like he did.

I swallowed, then said, "do you like me?" I looked away, bracing myself for the answer.

"Yes, I do, but that doesn't mean this should go out into the public!"

I let out a sigh of relief. "Come here, Dyl." I didn't know where this spark of confidence had come from, but I hung on to it.

He smiled warily, then sat down on the bed next to me.

"I'll tell you what. Don't worry about it yet; don't say anything. Just lie low, and when we're ready, if we're ready, we'll reveal the answer ourselves." He smiled, though it was still laced with worry. "Shhh, it'll be fine," I murmured.

Slowly, I stroked his cheek. I gazed into his eyes. They were a brilliant brown, now tense with worry. Without thinking, he inched closer, so our legs were tangled and we were an inch apart.

I couldn't help myself. I closed the gap between us, tasting his soft lips for the second time, this time fully aware. His fingers tangled themselves into my hair as mine rubbed soft circles on his back. This time, the kiss wasn't tentative. It was definite and it spoke of trust, of confirmation, of love. 

We broke apart when the doorbell rang. I quickly got off form where I was straddling him on our bed and opened the door, just to see pretty much the whole cast looking at me with smirks and eager eyes.

"Oooh, two guys, shirtless, on the same bed. What could possibly happen?" Kaya started first, her smirk growing bigger. She almost looked evil.

"Nothing, we had a good night's sleep," I said, keeping my tone steady. But I already knew what she was going to say.

True enough, she shoved a phone in my face, the picture of us on the screen. "Then how do you explain this?"

Yup, definitely evil.

"We're..." I trailed off, not knowing how to continue.

"We're together now," Dylan came up behind me, then glanced at me, as if to make sure it was okay with me. Of course it was.

Smiling, I kissed him. Just a small peck on the lips, but it was enough to make the whole cast's jaws drop.

That spark of confidence - I'm so glad I had it.

A/N: I'm 250% sure this wasn't as good as the first time I wrote it... Dammit. 

Also: crisis. And if xingminion ever sees this she can kindly shut up but well we were daring each other to text people weird messages and she dared me to text my crush (duh who wouldn't) that i liked him and stuff. So I did. The thing is, we kinda confessed to each other like 1+ years ago but we don't mention it now or anything (and we're in different schools so we barely see each other). So he asked me if it was a dare, and I said yes, and I DONT KNOW IF HE'LL THINK IM OVER HIM OR SOMETHING. 

AND THEN this little shit xingminion told me to tell him that I actually do like him, so I did. But i was like "this is what i spend my time doing" afterwards so he MAY have thought it was another dare?? I DONT KNOW?? So he just replied ahahahaha and we changed topic and pretended that it never happened...

I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO FEEL OMG HELP SOMEONE I'm probably overthinking this but HELP

QOTC: Do you have a crush?


Update: we texted for like hours and didnt talk about feelings or anything but all is well thank the heavens

But anyways thanks for reading this! Vote if you liked it and comment your feedback :3 PLEASE DO HELP ME WITH MY SHIT OMG THANKS can i just sleep forever and pretend nothing happened

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