Fear and joy

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"Ughhhhh" i groaned

"I hate my period" i said as i was tossing and turning
"Why does it hurt this fucking much?!" I yelled frustrated
"I fucking blame eve for this pain, Like why would you eat the fruit from the tree when you were specifically told not to?!?"

About a minute later, I heard the door open revealing the one and only NATO

'Great now what's he doing here? Bet 20 bucks he is here to ruin my life' I thought

I immediately stood up, ignoring the aching pain in my lower abdomen

(Random funfact: Period cramps have the same/similar pain of a heart attack, and yeah its like your uterus is having a heart attack every month )
(I am not entirely sure if this is true but i heard this somewhere)

"Good afternoon sir, is thereanything you need?" Fighting the urge from ripping my uterus out of my own body

"Don't get all formal with me human"  he said with a snarky tone

'Jeez he sounds like he's on his period more than me'

"Sorry, NATO was it?"

"Ugh, you're an annoying filthy human, UN appeared to have found out how i treat you, I will not talk to you anymore, however I. Am. Watching. You. Human so don't even think of doing anything fishy"

"Yes sir" I said slightly in a way a soldier would say it


With that he left the room, i ended up plopping on the bed groaning in pain, my lower back hurts, my legs hurt EVERYTHING HURTS. I feel like i can barely stand, I wanna kms.

"Death, just take me already!" I yelled slightly



2000 years later /j

2 hours later

I woke up feeling better because the pain subsided, it was still there but it wasn't as worse as it was earlier. I then saw the door open (again) seeing USA and Germany.

I just realized its been a while since I last seen USA and Germany

"Long time no see Y/N, how are you?" USA asked

"Long time no see aswell Mr. USA, and I am feeling a bit in pain due to the fact its that time of month"

"I'll get you some pain meds, we have something important to discuss and we don't want you uncomfortable, it must be painful" said Germany

"Thank you sir Germany,"

"No problem"

Germany left the lab to get some pain meds and water, as he was outside you and america talked for a bit till he came back,

"Here you go Y/N"

"Thank you, Germany"

You then drank the pill finishing the water aswell.

"So, what was the important news we needed to discuss?"

"Ah right, well, we have agreed upon to let you out; You have been stuck here for the past 2 months, and we don't want you going insane for literally being inside for long periods of time" Germany explained

"Hold up- what?! Its been 2 months?!"

How the fuck time flew by that fast????? Am i time travelling?? THE FUCK? IT FELT LIKE ONLY A FEW DAYS

"Yes Y/N its been 2 months, we will be letting you out next week. However, as UN Informed you, you will still be monitored to make sure you don't cause any harm to us."

You realized something, they never told you about a plan to let you go home, were they keeping you hostage???? Were they planning to do something to you?? Will the countries have some sort of conflict to see who will own you and make you some type of pet? Many questions ran through your mind.

"May I ask something?"

"Go ahead" USA replied

"Why have you not mentioned anything to me that you guys are trying to make an effort to get me home?"

"As we said before, humans are known as stories, therefore; fictional. So there is no possible way to get you home unfortunately."

Your eyes widened, so it wasn't even..possible? What about your job? Your friends? What the hell is gonna happen to your future?

"W-what about my life? My friends?"

" You can still work as (insert dream job here) because we need extra hands, unfortunately your life will change starting next week. We deeply apologize because we do not know or have any type of knowledge to get you home."

"T-thats o-ok" your voice starting to crack

"Well that's all that we needed to announce to you, thank you for your time," Germany smiled sweetly

"Very well sir...Goodbye"


With that, Germany left the room USA following him out, you looked at your palms, they were sweaty; tears suddenly fell from your eyes. Life will not be the same anymore, the people you held close to your heart were now in a different world, hell maybe even a different Universe. It hurt you because you were leaving the people you loved, yes life in your world might've been so shitty but you felt so happy and... free, the question is, will you feel that freedom here?

The amount of possibilities that these creatures could make into some type of maid or slave. They could torture you for the rest of your life, no matter how kind they seemed, you always had a gut feeling that someone was watching you in such a murderous way inside the lab, it appears when any country or organization enters the lab, you started to feel the feeling of being watch 3 weeks ago, but shrugged it off, and no it was not NATO, you would've  known if NATO was glaring at you because you memorized his gazed, as if there was somebody or...something staring at you with the aura of such a murderous and torturous look, full of hatred and anger. Unfortunately for you, you never found out who or what it was.

Besides the fear in your heart, you were dissatisfied by the fact you were not going home anytime soon to see your friends who was there through thick and thin, you felt happy aswell because you were about to go outside, breath in the fresh air, see the flower fields, see mother nature. All these feeling were mixing forming into one emotion you cannot describe.

You were feeling so many things that it got overwhelming that your heart rate went faster each second that passed.



Chapter 14 DONE! I finally was able to accomplish making a chapter with ove 1000 words! I hope you all are having a good day, LOVE YOU 🥰 BA BYEEE

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