Meeting the Southeast asians

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As ASEAN said his goodbye to NATO he realized he hadn't met you yet. He thought he should visit you later once he finished his work, might take some countries with him aswell. While walking to his office he saw the MAPHILINDO trio and they greeted him with a 'Good morning Sir!', They all went up to him.

"Sir ASEAN! When are we gonna meet the human?" Asked Phil

"Yeah! When are we? She was sooooo prettyyyyy" Malay said drooling

"Gross dude! Wipe of the drool, anyway, can we meet her later?" Indo asked enthusiastically

It seems like they read his mind,

"Well of course we can meet her later, however I will see if i can finish up early so we have time to meet her, ask the others if they want to come."

"YEAH!" The trio joyfully yelled

The MAPHILINDO trio came running into The S.E.A (south east asian, I just made it up) Office, Everyone jumped in surprise of the sudden action the trio took,

"GAH! what the hell? Whats wrong?" Singapore cursed

"Do you guys wanna meet the human?!" The three said in union

"YOU MEAN THE PRETTY GIRL?" Vietnam yelled happily

"Yes!" Mal said

"Im In!" Vietnam responded

"Me too!" Nepal added

" Sure why not? I'd like to see the human" Singapore responded tiredly

Then everyone agreed to meet the human, the trio then went back to ASEAN to tell him.

"Wonderful~!, well then we will meet at UN's lab by 5:30 pm."

"Alright sir, Thank you!" Phil joyfully thanked

ASEAN went back to finishin his paper work so did the countries,

Time flew by in a blink of an eye, it was only 8:00 in the morning from what he saw on the clock




12:00 pm,
"Lunch time already? Might aswell take a break," He took his 1 hour break and went back to work, he saw the clock's current time





4:00 pm


5:30 pm

"5:30 already? Well i gotta head to the lab now the countries must be waiting"


His footsteps were heard in the hallways as it was quiet as if you were in the quietest room in the world, he can hear his breathing and heartbeat.

"Sir ASEAN!" Someone called out to him, He looked up to see the S.E asian countries,

" You all look excited" he stated

"Well of course sir! we get to meet a human for the very first time in history, a pretty one at that" Stated Brunei

"Well said Brunei! I wonder if she has a boyfriend/girlfriend," Mal stated

"Malaysia, i know she is a beautiful young female, but we don't know for sure if she means no harm to us, if she ends up  being a threat to us, all hell could break loose" ASEAN warned

"Yes I knowwww, I just want to be friends with her, I just hope she doesn't mean any harm to us though" Mal said

"Well enough talking lets go inside now" ASEAN added

"Yeah!" The countries celebrated except singapore


I heard voices outside, It sounded as if there we're alot of them, I got a bit terrified but kept calm.
I heard the laboratory door open and saw ASEAN and the South eat asian countries

"Hello?" You asked confused on why they were here

"Hello pretty human!" Mal ran towards you

"Hi!!!! Y/N right?" Phil asked

"That is correct sir Philippines"

"Woahhhh how did you now my name!" He asked in amazement

*after explaining author is lazy as hell*

"Ahh that explains it" Singapore added

The room was full of introductins, joy and laughter, It had such a calming and happy atmosphere, eventually they needed to go home, they all said their farewells and went home
A/N: Did you guys enjoy this chapter? I hope you did, ba bye everyone!!

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