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MR. HIMBREY IS a nice man who's good at his job. The murder of his two young students disturbed him. Nothing bad was supposed to happen in the small and safe town of Woodsboro, especially to the children. The fact that something so plainly gruesome had occurred was dreadful.

Now, to be investigating the students was also preposterous, but unfortunately needed. Any and all alibis were collected, as well as any prior grudges or connections to the victims– Casey and Steve.

Officers Dwight 'Dewey' Riley and Daniel Mercer were sitting in the room finishing up with a student. Meanwhile, Himbrey glanced down to his list and glanced up to eye Mr. Mercer.

The paper read: Benjamin Mercer.

Benny walked into the room hesitantly when the secretary sent him in. The boy paused in surprise seeing his father on Principal Himbrey's sofa, obviously going to be the investigator for this case. Daniel didn't acknowledge him like a father would. Benny frowned a bit, it seems his dad was in officer mode.

Himbrey welcomed him with a comforting grin, and Benny accepted the fatherly shoulder pat.

"How are you, Benny?" The older man asked with furrowed brows. Concern seemed to be permanently etched onto his wrinkled skin.

The brunet gave a tight smile and nodded in greeting. "M'fine." He mumbled quietly.

Daniel sent him a raised eyebrow that had Benny quickly backtracking. His dad hated when he slurred and mumbled his words together, claiming it was lazy and sloppy. His mom always thought it was cute, so Benny never tried to change it. Now, though, his mom was nowhere to be found.

Benny repeated himself, the smile dimming into a grimace. "Sorry, sir. I'm doin'– doing good."

Hibrey only chuckled and guided him to the chair across from his dad. The boy offered a nod to Dewey, well acquainted with the man through Tatum. He actually saw Dewey more than his own father. Ironic, wasn't it?

There was no time to waste, so Daniel immediately jumped into the interrogation. "So, Benjamin. Where were you on the night of September's 25th?"

Benny's brows furrowed automatically, and he fidgeted with his earring. He saw his dad's jaw tick at the habit, and his hand snapped back into his lap like a tape measure.

"Uh," Benny started, "I was with you. We had dinner?" It came out more of a question. He honestly didn't know why he was even asked that his dad was literally beside him the whole evening.

Daniel nodded, accepting the answer before going to the next question: "Did you have any prior relationship with Casey Becker and/or Steve Orth?"

The teen looked away awkwardly, not wanting to divulge into his history with Casey and Steve with his own dad of all people!

Seeing his reluctance to answer and the building frustration on his senior's face, Dewey spoke up. "Hey, Benny. Just tell us what's going on. We won't judge you or anything. Promise."

Benny took in a deep breath before letting out a heavy exhale. He refused to look into any of the three men's faces and stubbornly stared at the clock above the door. With great hesitancy, the boy began to explain. "Well…around two years ago?"

Dewey nodded in encouragement while Daniel lent forward, interested. Himbrey, who had already heard a few of the rumors circling the three's relationship, had a pale look on his face.

The boy continued, "There was a party. I was talking with Steve, who had just started dating Casey at the time…um eventually the three of us got to chatting? One thing led to another and er…?"

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