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Finally, I met on my first day of classes. I sit with that group of girls from last night but they don't talk to me much. I finish my meal and go to charms class and then transfiguration. Potions class was so fun. It's nice watching my dad yell at someone other than me. However, he is extra harsh on the Gryffindors.

I go to Madame Hooches' flying class and get to stun everyone with my flying skills. I thought that was the plan. Instead, because we were all entry-level fliers we had to take it step by step.
"Hold your ya d up and yell up."

"Up," I state in a bored tone. It seems that Potter and Draco are naturally gifted in flying as well. Their broomsticks come up just as quickly as I get mine in hand. Madame Hooche instructs us to hover and then come back to the ground. Before I can show off my skills Neville Longbottom takes off uncomfortably.

"M-Mr. Longbottom!" Madame Hoocke calls and chases him from the ground. Before she can do anything productive Neville soars through the crowd of students and flies up the side of the building and then back down. He lands with a snap and ends up whimpering and holding his wrist. Madame Hooche parts the crowd and lifts Neville into her lap.

"Oh, that's sprained." She looks around and spots my face "Alright (Y/n) is in charge. If anyone's feet leave the ground I will have you kicked out faster than you can say quidditch." She picks Neville up grunting about the hospital wing. Draco spots the remembrall that Neville was given just a week or so earlier.

"Maybe if he used his fat head, he'd remember to land on his fat arse." He tossed the glass ball in his hand.

"Watch your tongue Malfoy." I stand in his face and grab the remembrall from his hand.

"You watch your dirty paws." He moves to get the little sphere from me but I lurch back.

"You watch yours." I spit back. I've never experienced a rage like this. I've been taught to hold my tongue and never let my emotions influence my actions. People around me ooh once again. Draco makes another leap at me and takes the sphere out of hand. I watch him mount his broom and fly up.

"I'll have to put this somewhere that fat lump can find it." Pansy and her little squad snicker behind me.

"Hey!" I see Harry Potter get on his broom and take off at Malfoy.

"Both of you on the ground!" I hop on and join them.

"Oh, so the princess wants to fight?" Draco zigs and zags on his broom dodging Potter and me. 

"Draco give it back, or you'll get thrown out."

"NO!" he throws the remembrall and Harry takes off after it with impressive rigor. He catches it just before it shatters against the cobblestone of the wall. With the glass orb handled I lean lower on the broom and kick up my speed. I manage to catch Malfoy and knock him off his broom near the sand pit of the quidditch pitch. He lands with a thunk. I fly over and hover over his groaning form. 

"Keep your paws off what isn't yours." I snicker at him. I fly over to the rest of the class and hover over my classmates. I stand on the bristles of the broom and dismount in a sort of straight-backed back flip. I shoot my hand out and catch my broom as it falls to the ground. People crowd me and cheer. I feel a rush I've never felt before. Excitement. Fulfillment. Wonder and joy are all wrapped into one.  I sense an addiction developing. Professor McGonagall collects Harry Potter and sends Malfoy to the hospital wing without question. 

She dismisses class to break and I wander over to the potions classroom. Father is on a break from lessons but is vigorously grading some papers. I knock on the doorway hesitantly.

"Yeees?" Father drawls behind his desk

"Hello, Father." I hide halfway behind the arch

"Hello, my most lovely daughter. Why aren't you in class?"

Draco Malfoy x Reader ❤︎ AdulationWhere stories live. Discover now