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I stopped marking the days in the moss for what feels like years ago.

"Food." I had gotten used to the sound of the tray against the floor.

"Thank you, Father." I figured out what times he wanted me to call him which name.

When he was looking for compliments, he wanted to be called 'daddy',
when giving me something, 'father',
and when ordering me to do something, 'master'.

I could feel his smirk as his footsteps got farther and farther.

Every day he had a good mood, he'd give me an extra carrot, one of the dwarf ones.
This was one of those days.

Three of my teeth had fell out in the past few years.

I don't care anymore.

I can't remember my name, or his.

It was something with a D, mine was. I think his had an N or an M or an H..

I had friends. I can't remember their faces. I think one of them had a name that resembled weather.

It doesn't matter, I'm just letting my brain wonder.

All that matters is my Master. My Father. My Daddy.

I'm not in handcuffs anymore, he took them away for being such a behaved girl.

"Attagirl!" Echoed in my head.

I must behave for him, I must behave for him, I thought daily.

What was the point of getting out? Nobody remembers me at all, I'm sure.

How old am am I?

"Daddy!" I yelled for him in his favorite name, hoping he would answer my question.

He rushed In the room with a smirk.

"Yes, little girl?"

"How old am I now.."

"I suppose around 30! You must've been 21 when you first came to live with me." He released a deep, peaceful breath.


"MASTER, NO!" I yelled for him as he fell to the ground.

A tall, dark man in a blue uniform emerged from behind Jim.

"He will live, unfortunately. Boys, take him."

More police entered the room and picked up his unconscious body.

"You're safe now, Dawn." He put his hand on my shoulder.

Dawn! That was my name!

"Are you my new Master?" I questioned.

"Uh, no, come with me," He had a concerned look on his face, "You have been missing for 11 years, you're turning 32 in a few months."

"Thirty-two!?" I had a wide smile, "Daddy would have loved to see me turn 32!"

"Right. This way ma'am."

"But you aren't my Father. Why should I follow you? I feel safe here." I was so screwed up in the brain.

"Oh, I am, now. Come on."

I blindly trusted the man and followed him into a bright sunlight where tens of other shivering, scared women of color waited.

"Victim 54! She's recovered!" The policeman said, nudging me with the rest of them.

I was so confused.

Amber and Rain ran up to me, past the yellow tape, and squeezed me tight.

"Get off me, weirdos! Where is my Daddy?"

"Oh, uhm.." They backed away, scared, and went back to stand behind the yellow tape.

"She'll get some therapy, don't worry, girls." A policewoman assured them.

They nodded.

Confused, I hugged my knees in the corner and fell asleep.

I dreamt about the light that was out here, and why it hurt my eyes but not the rest of me. It was kind of nice. A nice burn.

The Only Face I RememberWhere stories live. Discover now