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The sound of the metal sliding against the concrete floor stung my eardrums.

"Food." He said with a certain rasp in his voice.

As the food tray slid under the door, the apple fell off, tumbling to the other side of the room.

This guy farmed apples and carrots for a living.

All that was left on the food tray was a carrot, now. I ate it like there was no tomorrow, two bites being chewed at a time, I nearly choked.

I wish I had.

"Why don't you come in and give me the food yourself?!" I yelled, hoping he'd hear from the other side of the door, if he was still standing there.

There was silence for a few moments.

"I don't want to see your ugly face," He lied.

What a lazy, fat pig.

"Eat," He said. Not knowing the carrot was done already, or that the apple rolled across the room.

"Yes, father."

"She better learn what is appropriate to call me at what times, the dumb worth-nothing piece of shit.." he mumbled as he audibly stomped away.

I need to get out of here.

I leaned my head over my still handcuffed hands and pulled out my bobby pin.

"How did they do this in TV shows?" I muttered, wiggling the pin in the handcuff's lock.

It didn't budge.

I sighed and put it back in my hair for safe keeping.

Really short chapter, but I don't know what to add, I'm stumped.

The Only Face I RememberWhere stories live. Discover now