1 -Memory

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I don't exactly remeber when I started having memory problems but it's been a decent amount of time. Most people don't remember much before when they were 5-7. I can't seem to remember much before I was 11. I forgot all types of events and other things, even now this is still a problem with me. I've tried all sorts of ways to try and get a better long-term memory but nothing works.

I can recall a few memories from when I was little, the ones my brain found important enough to remember. Memories of my first visit to Kings Island in Amerika. The first time I went ice-skating. The day I first met my younger cousins. Not necessarily important things but still fun and exciting things.

The thing I struggle with the most is dates. I can't remember birthdays in my family. Can't remember when any of my fußball games are. Shows that I perform in, never know when a public show is. I have to constantly ask...

People who look at my phone calender are always confused. I have each and every event that I am told about writen in it and what time the event is. It's the only way I can remember what is coming up. It's not the best solution but if I wrote it down anywhere else I think i'd forget. This does, however cause my calender to be very cluttered and messy. I also never write down every event... I always forget at least 15.

Thanks for listening to me rant about my memory problems.

Liebe dich, tschüss!!

A Queer Person And Their StrugglesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon