
65 6 2

ages 11 and 12

felix laid on his bed, bored out of his mind. he had watched as the hands on the clock moved as every minute and second passed by. as soon as this could no longer maintain his attention, he sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"i wonder what changbinnie hyung is doing" felix said out loud to himself. then he smiled. "I'll go look for him,".

hopping off his freakishly high bed, he put on his slippers and opened his door, slipping into the hallway. upon doing so, every door he passed, he would peek through the small opening of each one, hoping to find his grumpy, taller friend.

after a while, he almost felt like he was going in circles. he believed he had looked through every single door and was about to give up. however, there was one more door he hadn't checked just yet.

as he got closer to it in order to look in, he immediately spotted what he was looking for.

"changbinnie!" he exclaimed in joy, as he pushed the door open and ran in, hugging the boy who he hadn't taken into account was a bit messy.

quickly, changbin pushed him away, softly of course and shook his head no. felix pouted and asked why.

"i'm very dirty, your majesty" he said. felix remained confused until he allowed his eyes to fall down, noticing the cute little apron changbin was wearing, which had been painted with various different colors.

felix smiled. "you look very cute, binnie hyung!"

this only caused for changbin to remain silent and look down, hiding the way his cheeks turned a new shade of pink which perfectly matched the patch of color on his apron.

felix pulled a stool next to his friend, and observed carefully. changbin was painting. felix didn't really have many hobbies of his own if he was being honest with himself. however, watching changbin participate in his own was felix's favorite pass time.

so maybe he did have a hobby!

anyhow, felix successfully remained silent this time around, slowly grasping the concept that his grumpy friend enjoyed his peace and quiet. however, felix couldn't bare not being around him so he learned to adjust himself a bit.

he watched and he watched until an image could perfectly be seen from the canvas that changbin was putting all of his focus on.

"that's me and you, hyung!" felix couldn't help being loud this once. he got overjoyed as he finally began making out not only changbin's but his face from the paint scattered on the board.

he unfortunately missed the way changbin's lips twitched a bit higher than usual.

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