The jump down would be quite high but directly below her were numerous bushes wich she hoped would cushion her fall enough that she wasn't seriously injured.

As long as she would be able to get up and run it would be ok.

She hopped up onto the window ledge and dangled her legs out, trying to lower herself down a little before letting go so that the fall wouldn't be so great.

That was when she heard it. Footsteps.

She almost screamed, stopping herself at the last minute and suppressing it.

Everything was easy to hear in the silence of the night and she listened in horror as the footsteps approached her door.

There was nothing she could do now and before she had the chance to think she let go, falling down onto the blushes below.

Her plan had worked for the most part and she got up, frantically looking around to decide which way to run.

It all looked the same, rows and rows of trees. They were deep in the forest.

[Name] ran forwards, clutching her winded stomach as she did.

She kept running as she heard a door slam open, allowing herself to glance backwards and see Michael standing here. She couldn't see his face behind the mask but she could sense his anger.

She kept running away from him, hoping that the direction she chose would take her to safety, a town with people she could get help from, or even just a road where she could flag down a passing car.

She kept running for what felt like an eternity, her legs were on fire and her lungs burnt each time she gasped for breath.

[Name] knew she needed to stop, after looking behind her and seeing nothing she came to a halt, taking in deep breaths.

The forest was eerily silent, she couldn't see anything apart from trees.

Michael was nowhere to be seen, that only made her more uneasy. A small part of her hoped that he had given up but she knew that wouldn't be the case.

Her eyes darted around frantically, looking for a sign that he was there yet found none. Paranoia began to set in and she began to move again, walking this time.

She kept walking for a long time, still with no sign of Michael. It should of made her feel more at ease but it only increased her panic. What if he was watching her, waiting for her to tire. Then there would be no way for her to escape.

After walking some more her luck changed and she finally spotted concrete peeking through the trees, illuminated by street lights. A road.

She jogged towards it and listened out for the sound of a car engine. Nothing.

She sighed but it was late and there were bound to be more drivers in the morning, as long as she could wait that long.

[Name] walked along the edge of the woods next to the road, feeling tiredness set in. It was cold too and after all her adrenaline had worn of it was finally getting to her, the harsh wind nipping at he exposed skin.

Suddenly she heard it, a distant low rumble coming from ahead. It drove into sight and [Name] frantically waved her arms, begging for it to stop.

The driver rolled down his window, a concerned expression on his face.

"Are you ok miss?"

"Please help me! I don't know where i am i was taken! i just want to get to the nearest town."

The drivers expression turned even more worried and he nodded, gesturing for her to get in.

[Name] collapsed onto the passenger seat, closing her eyes and sighing with relief as the car started to move.

A few minutes went by and the driver slammed on the breaks. [Name]'s eyes shot open, only to be filled with a look of horror.

Standing in the middle of the road was Michael, holding what looked to be a bat.

"Get out of the road you freak!" The driver shouted.

[Name] started to freak out, opening the door and in her panic falling out, winding herself again.

A scream erupted behind her and a bone chilling crack. She didn't even want to look back.

[Name] tried to get up and run again but before she had the chance, two large arms wrapped around her, one bringing a cloth up to her mouth.

She struggled but slowly everything began to fade away.

He whispered in her ear, the last thing she heard before falling unconscious.

"You're mine"

His Friend [Michael Myers x F Reader]Where stories live. Discover now