Bi panic?

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Regulus was late. Good. James thought if Regulus didn't show up, he wouldn't have to hurt him. James enjoys pranks. He really does. Without pranks he wouldn't be James Fleamont Potter. But.. James also knows when a prank has gone too far. He knows his limits. Sirius never really learnt that lesson, even after the 'prank' on Snape. But, somehow, Sirius had managed to convince James that this wasn't going to hurt Regulus. Even though, at the back of his mind, there was a voice telling James against it.

The great hall doors opened wide. In walked Regulus Black and 3 of his friends. One sat down at the Slytherin table whilst the rest kept walking.

"He's coming, James! Don't mess up." Sirius warned him, clearly excited with his tone of voice.

"I'll try..."

Remus looked at James and put a hand on his shoulder. "You don't need to do this, you know"

"Ugh Moony, don't make him back out now!" Sirius cried

"Well it's too late for that anyways!" Peter told them looking behind Remus' head "He's here."

Regulus had shoved James' shoulder, causing James' to jump and turn around. He knew Regulus was coming, but he didn't know he was going to be harsh with it. Regulus grabbed James' face and pushed him to look up at him. James blushed. If this where under any other circumstance, James would have easily been turned on by the action. But, James was about to do something that Regulus wasn't aware of. He wasn't sure if Regulus would care about what was about to happen, but either way, James did. But his thinking was cut short when Regulus had said
"up" It was a statement, but was clearly meant as a command. So, James obeyed. He found something so invigorating about the fact that this was a younger boy. But, of course, James is straight, so it wasn't anything in that sort of way.

There faces where inches apart. James accidentally spoke his first word "Reggie..?" He noticed the panic on Regulus' face. The man's grasp was still firm on his neck. And oh did James enjoy it. He could imagine all the ways he could be flustered by Regulus, even by his voice alone. But James' thoughts where quickly shattered by Sirius' voice. "Come on Prongs! Do it!"
James quickly flashed a guilty look at Regulus and kissed him, harshly. He felt Regulus jolt back, gasping between his lips. A slight confused groan had escaped his mouth.
Just as James thought to let go, Regulus snaked one hand towards the back of his neck and his other tangled in his hair. He was kissing back?? Crap. James was not excited for this. James abruptly pulled back, watching Regulus lean in again. With a stabbing in his heart, James put a finger on his lips in attempt to shush him.

James slightly swallowed, staring deeply into Regulus' eyes. "You shouldn't act so dominant, Regulus" He started, already hating what he was saying. "It's not a pretty look on you. Especially since your clearly so submissive to people you don't even know" James wanted to hold Regulus tight and say he was sorry. He always had a soft spot for Sirius' younger brother, so the look of shock on his face broke his heart.
James couldn't take it anymore and sat back down, facing away from him. He heard Regulus whisper "Well played, Potter" No. That wasn't at all James' intent. Regulus walked out of the great hall. He didn't even eat. James felt terribly guilty. Especially when the entire great hall emerged into laughter. Telling James he had done a good job. But James didn't feel that way.

"Enough!" Was bellowed from the teachers table. Dumbledore had clearly had enough of the laughter just as much as James did. "I think we all can appreciate a good laugh once in a while. Of course I understand that. I, myself have been pranked by the, as they call themselves, marauders, of our sixth year Gryffindors. However, I urge every single one of you to understand when and when it is not right to laugh at any type of prank." Dumbledore's speech just made James feel worse. Like he'd murdered his best friend, bad. 

Just then, Mcgonagall was walking towards the marauders. She sighed slightly before speaking, "Mr Potter, will you follow me" She said and immediately started walking down the great hall. James shot Sirius a look of annoyance as Sirius returned one of guilt back. James got up and followed Mcgonagall out the door.

"What's up, Minnie?" James grinned
"Mr Potter." Mcgonagall's voice was serious
"Whatever was the need to get on the bad side of Mr Black, Potter?"
"I don't know what you mean professor" James blinked innocently "Do you think me and Sirius are having a spat?" James asked. Honestly, it looked like they where about to once James got Sirius alone.

"'Mr Potter, you know very well which Black I am referring too."
James sighed "Was just a prank. Don't see the big deal" James tried to act as nonchalant as possible about it.

"The big deal, Mr Potter, is that you simply cannot go around getting on all the Slytherin's bad side!"
"Hey, i'll have you know, making out with someone isn't actually a way to getting on someone's bad side. It's actually a step in the opposite direction" James acted dumb

Minnie sighed "Yes, but the remark after it was unnecessary. 20 points from Gryffindor, detention for two hours with me and-"

"What?" James pouted. "But that's not fair!"
"and you must go and apologise to Mr Black."

"Oh believe me Professor, you didn't have to tell me that.." James was planning on finding Regulus as soon as possible to apologise to him. It would be the second apology he's given him, but this one from him directly. James couldn't give the blame to Sirius. He was too noble a friend to watch his friends suffer. So James took the punishment and went back to eat.

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