scents and confusion

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Regulus was, for the first time in ages, excited. For his plan to work, there needed to be a crowd. So, dinner was an excellent time to do it. But first he had to go through an annoying lesson with professor Slughorn and the Gryffindors. But today's lesson was weird. Something had happened with his years Gryffindor's in their common room when only they where in there. So they where taken to Mcgonagall to talk about it. So today Regulus was stuck with another year of Gryffindors. An elder year. His brother's. Sirius'. He wasn't at all excited for that. In today's lesson they had to make amortentia. A love potion of some sort.

"Barty you idiot! You're meant to crush the moonstone into powder, Salazar knows what you've done!" I say, quickly taking the knife off of him and pushing him to the side, taking charge. I hear him scoff and threaten him with the knife to his neck. "Careful Crouch, otherwise Rosier won't have someone to fuck him tonight. Or ever." I smirk at him, seeing the fear on his face.

"So you excited about the prank on Potter? The poor guy won't even know what hit him" Barty asked

"shush! Regulus hissed "who knows who's listening"

Just then the Pettigrew boy walks over to their cauldron and says "i.. uh I need some marigold leaves"

"whatever do you need that for? We're making- take it" Regulus smirked

The boy grabbed what he needed and scurried away. "Why does he need marigold leaves? Do we need marigold leaves? Amortentia doesn't include marigold leaves, does it? Are we doing something wrong??" Barty started to freak out

"Oh keep your wand in your pocket, it's fine. We don't need marigold leaves, so whatever Pettigrew is doing, he's messing up" Regulus explained to the now calm Barty. Barty laughed at the thought


Towards the ending of the lesson, Professor Slughorn had called his students up one by one to smell an accurate cauldron of amortentia. When Sirius was called up, Regulus wondered what he would smell. And if he would announce it out loud.

"Sorry, professor I don't think you did it right" Sirius tells Slughorn

"Oh?" Slughorn smiles at him "Why not, my boy?"

"It's just... I smell, uh... parchment. And like the smell of the library. It just doesn't make sense" Remus' eyes widen slightly and he starts to blush. Lilly gently elbows him and smirks.

"What else do you smell?"

"Hm" Sirius sniffs again "The quidditch pitch, that makes sense. And.. umm, i think that's chocolate. See professor? Im not a big chocolate fan, so I don't see why I'm smelling it" Sirius looks up at him

"Oh, Padfoot, you foolish, stupid child" James said out loud, grinning. Causing Remus to blush furiously.

"What?" Sirius frowned, confused

"Oh go sit down Mr Black, that's enough of that." Slughorn looked around and thought. He whispered to himself "Oh why not?" and with a louder voice called out to Remus.

"Why don't you tell us what you can smell Mr Lupin" Remus got up and walked over to the cauldron. He blushed. "I smell... Vanilla and spice shampoo, fresh chocolate and.." Remus swallowed "campfire ash?" Slughorn smiled slightly. Very nice Lupin, go and take a seat.
Remus walked down back to his seat, receiving a wink from Sirius, which made his heart flutter.

After a couple more people it was James Potter. Regulus wasn't sure why he was interested in what he would smell, but he was. The boy strutted up to the front with confidence and started listening the scents "I also smell the quidditch pitch" James said, smiling up at Sirius. "I smell strawberries. Or some type of fruity perfume" He looked around and winked and Lilly when their eyes met. "I smell my mothers chicken casserole. Oh my that thing is to die for! It's honestly better than magic! I swear take one bite out of it and you're in muggle heaven. It tastes so good like it's straight out of an-" Slughorn stopped James before he got too far into his ramble. James tended to do that. Go on and on about a certain topic and never get bored

"Thank you for that Mr Potter. You can go sit down now" Slughorn told him

"Wait! I smell something else! I just cant put my finger on it... it's almost like.. blackcurrant? But that doesn't make any sense because the only time I've smelled something like that before was when I was talking to..." James' voice trailed off. His gaze started to move to the Slytherin corner and his eyes lay on a certain Black. But it wasn't Sirius. "yeah. It's definitely blackcurrant..." James said with a blush on his face.

Regulus wasn't sure if James was fucking with him. He knew that the only time James would have smelt blackcurrant was with him. James had come up to him once and apologised to him about something that Sirius had said to him. Regulus had told him it wasn't a big deal but James kept staring. He was eating blackcurrant. James had told Regulus that he "never had blackcurrant before. Is it good?" To which Regulus had responded by taking James' hand and giving him the rest of his blackcurrant, which he had convinced himself he no longer wanted anyway. But if James is playing around with him, then Regulus thought that now more than ever was the best time to go through with this prank. At dinner.

As the list went down, it was finally Regulus' turn to go up and smell the amortentia. Regulus walked up and closed his eyes. "My quidditch jersey. Vanilla lip balm" That was Sirius' favourite when they where kids. "Cinnamon. Broom polish. Which is slightly odd. And a tangerine of some sort. Perhaps some type of strong citrus fruit"

Regulus had forgotten that when James had come to give him an apology, Regulus was sitting under an orange tree and James was wearing some sort of orange cologne, hence the citrus smell. And the broom polish. Well that one's obvious, isn't it?

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