3. Second Thoughts

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The morning sun filtered through the curtains of Kenji's dorm room, gently waking him from his slumber. He stretched and yawned, feeling refreshed after a good night's sleep. Today was another day at Yokai Academy, and he was looking forward to spending time with Moka and his other friends.

After getting ready for the day, Kenji stepped out of his dorm room, only to find Moka waiting for him with a warm smile.

"Good morning, Kenji. Did you sleep well?" Moka asked.

"Morning, Moka. Yeah, I slept great. Thanks," Kenji replied, returning her smile. "Ready for another day at Yokai Academy?"

Moka nodded enthusiastically. "Absolutely! I'm excited to show you around the academy more and introduce you to some other students."

As they made their way to class, Moka and Kenji engaged in a pleasant conversation, talking about their interests, their favorite subjects, and even some funny anecdotes from their past. Kenji found it easy to talk to Moka, and he appreciated how genuinely interested she seemed in getting to know him.

Just as they were approaching the classroom, Kurumu suddenly appeared in front of them with a beaming smile. "Good morning, Kenji!"

"Hey, Kurumu," Kenji greeted, a little taken aback by her sudden appearance.

Without hesitation, Kurumu pulled him into a tight hug, pressing her ample breasts against him. Kenji blushed, feeling a bit flustered by the close contact. "Uh, good morning, Kurumu."

"Kurumu, give the poor guy some breathing room," Moka teased, though there was a hint of jealousy in her voice.

Kurumu chuckled and finally released Kenji from the hug. "Sorry, I just couldn't resist."

Before they could continue their conversation, a familiar voice interrupted them. "Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

They turned to see Yukari standing there, her hands on her hips, and a playful grin on her face. Moka and Kurumu looked surprised to see her, almost as if they were not expecting her to talk to them again.

"Yukari!" Moka exclaimed, her eyes wide with astonishment. "I thought you wouldn't talk to us after yesterday."

Yukari shrugged, her mischievous grin still intact. "Eh, I'm not one to hold grudges for long. Besides, Kenji here is cute, and I wouldn't want to miss out on the fun with you guys."

Kenji was relieved that Yukari had joined them again. He was starting to get used to her playful nature and found her company enjoyable.

Kurumu smiled warmly. "Well, we're glad you're back with us, Yukari."

The four friends continued chatting as they entered the classroom. The bond between them was becoming stronger with each passing moment, and Kenji felt like he had truly found a group of friends who accepted him for who he was.

As the day went on, Kenji and his new friends shared laughter, lunch, and even some classes together. They were growing closer by the minute, and Kenji couldn't help but feel grateful for the friendships he had found at Yokai Academy.

However, as the day came to an end and he returned to his dorm room, Kenji couldn't help but have second thoughts. The academy was full of surprises and danger, and he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the school and his friends than meets the eye.

Kenji was starting to think that he may be getting in over his head now. Yokai Academy was full of mysteries and dangers, and he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to the school and his friends than meets the eye. Despite the fun he was having with Moka, Kurumu, and Yukari, a lingering sense of caution began to settle in.

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