2. The Gang's Back Together

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The morning sun filtered through the windows of the homeroom, casting a warm glow over the students at Yokai Academy. Kenji, Moka, and Kurumu sat together, chatting animatedly before the start of the first class.

"So, Kenji, have you had a chance to explore the academy yet?" Moka asked, her eyes shining with curiosity.

"Yeah, I walked around a bit before coming here. This place is way more massive than I expected. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that it's a school for monsters," Kenji replied, a mix of fascination and disbelief evident in his voice.

"Oh, you'll get used to it," Kurumu chimed in with a mischievous grin. "We monsters have our quirks, but we're not that different from humans once you get to know us."

Kenji chuckled. "I can see that already. By the way, how long have you two known each other?"

Moka and Kurumu exchanged a knowing look before Moka answered, "We've known each other since our freshman year. We've been through a lot together."

Kurumu leaned closer, her eyes challenging Moka. "Yeah, and we've done all sorts of fun stuff together. Like, we even went on a trip to the human world once."

"Oh really?" Kenji raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"Yeah, it was quite an experience," Moka added, a faint blush gracing her cheeks.

As the conversation flowed, Kenji couldn't help but notice the competitive undertone between Moka and Kurumu. They seemed friendly enough, but there was definitely an unspoken rivalry between them. It became more apparent when the discussion shifted to their appearances.

"You know, Kenji," Kurumu said, leaning in closer to him, "Moka and I are often compared, especially in terms of our bodies. But let me tell you, I'm the one with the real appeal."

Moka rolled her eyes, crossing her arms. "Oh, please. Your charm might work on some, Kurumu, but I'm not backing down. I'm a vampire, after all."

Kenji couldn't help but find their banter amusing. "Well, I think both of you are great just the way you are," he said diplomatically, earning a smile from both girls.

Their playful arguing continued until the bell rang, signaling the start of the class. Miss Nekonome walked to the front of the room, her cat-like ears twitching with excitement.

"Good morning, class!" she greeted, her enthusiasm infectious. "I hope you all had a wonderful summer break. Now, let's settle down, please."

The class gradually quieted down, and Miss Nekonome started the lesson. She spoke about the history of Yokai Academy and the reasons why it was created for monsters.

"Long ago, humans and monsters coexisted in the same realm. But as human civilization grew, so did their fear of us," Miss Nekonome explained. "Humans started to see us as evil and dangerous, pushing us away into this separate realm, where we could live freely without fear of persecution."

Kenji noticed how serious Moka's expression became as she listened to the teacher's words. It seemed like this history lesson was hitting close to home for her.

As the class went on, Kenji couldn't help but reflect on the world he now found himself in. The idea of monsters living among humans in secret was a fascinating concept. He wondered what other adventures and challenges awaited him at Yokai Academy.

As the bell rang again, signaling the end of the class, Moka turned to Kenji with a determined look in her eyes. "Kenji, I want to show you something. Come with me to the rooftop after school, okay?"

Kenji nodded, intrigued by Moka's request. "Sure, I'll be there."

With that, the three friends left the classroom, their bond growing stronger as they navigated this new territory together. Little did they know that their adventures at Yokai Academy were only just beginning, and danger would soon come knocking at their door once again.

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