Chapter 3

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„Do we know each other?" Robert asked with a blank expression. He was trying to remember who this woman was, but it seemed like she was wiped off his memory completely.
„Oh yes, Robert," the woman replied with a sly smile. "It's been a long time, that's true, but I'm sure you remember me. It was long ago... back in Copenhagen."

Robert kept looking at her, trying to process what was happening. Copenhagen... there were only two people he had met in Copenhagen, Heisenberg and.. her.

He raised his eyebrows. "Margarete?" he asked.
"Yes. That's me, indeed," the woman replied, still maintaining her smile.
She was a familiar face, but they only met once, and yet, she came to see him after years. He could tell there was more to it, but why was she so casual about it?

"What are you doing here, in New Mexico, of all places?" Robert asked, his tone filled with confusion and curiosity.
"That's a long story" she replied with a sigh. "I heard, you are working on some kind of a project... I'd like to join you." The woman smirked.

Robert felt a shiver go through him, he was taken aback by her unexpected proposition.
She was indeed a great scientist, as much as he could recall that one meeting in Copenhagen and her brilliant arguments in favor of her theories. He had never forgotten their debate.
The question was... could he trust her?
Where had she been all those years since the war started?

Margarete felt his tension and chuckled. "Let me tell you the whole story by a cup of coffee."
Oppenheimer nodded and led her to the lab and then down the corridor to his office.
"Wait here. I'll be back in a moment" he said as he went to the kitchen.
As she waited, she looked around the office, noticing the scattered papers and piles of research. Robert could be a bit of a mess, but there was no question he knew what he was doing.
Soon, Robert returned with two cups of coffee. He handed her one, with a friendly smile on his face.
"So," he said, "Please, tell me your story."

Margarete sighed dramatically. "Ah, my life had been dreadful over the last few years! At first, it wasn't that bad, but as the war started.. it became clear that the government was taking a dangerous path. I felt betrayed, as though they had lied to me. I always had my concerns, but it became too much to bear. I took part in a few communist meetings, speaking up against the regime, and eventually... I was arrested."
She paused, her eyes fixed on Robert.
"After a few months, they let me go, and I decided to meet up with Heisenberg. I wanted to know his opinion on this all. Surprisingly, he agreed with me and said that I have to find Oppenheimer and talk to him. he would try to go to America too, but considering how important he is for the Third Reich, we wouldn't be able to stay unnoticed. He wanted me to inform you that he is willing to collaborate with you as well, and he already has a plan. We could meet up in Switzerland and he would share some intel."

Robert's eyes lit up as he listened to Margarete. This was the last thing he could have expected.
"In Switzerland - are you serious?" He asked excitedly.
Oppenheimer could feel his adrenaline pumping. He thought for a moment. Maybe, just maybe, it was worth taking a risk.
This could be the chance they needed to push the bomb project forward.
"We would be honored to work with you, Margarete," he added, surprising even himself with his decision, "I am open to your offer. But you'll need to earn our trust."

"I am aware that your trust must be earned, Doctor," Margarete replied, her tone serious but calm. "But I am sure you will not be disappointed. In fact, I have already started work on a plan to help your efforts, and I believe that with Heisenberg's help, together, we could change the course of history."
She paused, studying Oppenheimer's expression carefully.
"But it's important that Heisenberg remains safe. If word gets out that he is working with America, it could spell disaster for both of us."
"It's understandable, of course." He reassured her.

Oppenheimer spent a few minutes, considering how to present this information to General Groves. If he were to tell him, Groves would for sure kick Margarete out of the project, and such an opportunity would be missed.
He decided not to tell General Groves about it for now. He had to prove himself. And this could be his chance. If he could get the project running smoothly, no one would question him and underestimate his work anymore. He would keep this information to himself for now.

"Let's go, I shall introduce you to the basics of our project."
"Thank you, Robert," Margarete said, finishing her coffee.
She followed Oppenheimer down the hallway, past the lab, and to his office. Along the way, she studied her surroundings with interest, taking in the details of this secret facility.
They soon arrived at the office door. Robert opened the door and welcomed Margarete inside.
"Take a seat," he said, motioning to the chair across from him.
Margarete sat down, facing Oppenheimer.
"So," he said, "To start us off, what do you know about the bomb we are trying to build here?"
"I know that it's supposed to be made out of uranium.. and that's all basically."

Oppenheimer took a deep breath. This was going to be a long afternoon.
"Yes, that's right," he said slowly, "We are working on building an atomic bomb."
He paused, contemplating his next words carefully. This could be dangerous information for Margarete to have.
"Uranium is just one part of it," Oppenheimer continued, "but not the most important one. We are trying to trigger a chain reaction in which energy is released, creating an explosion far more powerful than anything seen before."
"Does it have any similarities with the bomb Germans are trying to make using heavy water?"
"Yes, the basic principles are very similar," he replied. "The Germans plan to use a substance called deuterium oxide, or 'heavy water' as they call it, to initiate a chain reaction."

Oppenheimer cleared his throat.
"Margarete," he said, "I have a question for you."
She nodded, her attention fully focused on Robert.
"How do you know about our work here?"
It was a direct question, and he seemed to be expecting an honest answer.
"Your communist girlfriend, Jean, told me about it.."
Oppenheimer raised his eyebrows in slight surprise at the response.
"Ah, Jean," he said, trying to hide a smile. He knew it would be Jean who would reveal such information.
"What else do you know, Margarete?" he asked, his tone calm, curious, and serious. "And how do you know Jean?"
"I met her in your hometown when I was looking for you-" Margarete got cut off by Bethe, another one of Oppenheimer's coworkers, who entered the office without knocking.
He stood there for a moment, confusion written on his face.

"Doctor Oppenheimer, who the hell is that?"

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