Chapter 14

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"You hurt me the most

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"You hurt me the most."

Minho simply stayed silent and walked off to his room, shutting the door behind him. She walked off and shut the front door behind her. She just couldn't simply forget Minhos actions.

"So you guys are ignoring each other? Is that why he's alone over there?" Wonpil questioned as he pointed to the alone boy as he ate his sandwich.

"Basically, yeah." The girl sighed out and Keeho rubbed her back. "Don't worry" she looked over at him. "I'm not worrying! I hate him" she mumbled the last part.

"Just the other day you guys were doing his homework together as you both laughed" Chan rolls his eyes.

"Oooo overprotective brother huh?" Seungmin nudged his shoulder as he laughed. "It's called worrying about your younger sister" he responded.

"That is overprotective Chan" Hyunjin shook his head as Han laughed. "Channie Hyung you just need to calm down" Jeongin said as he took a bite of grapes.

"I still sit with him in class" she groans at the thought. "He's still in our group, on the topic of it we need to go to your house" Keeho reminded.

"Why do you remind me Keeho" she hissed as she covered her face in her hands in annoyance as the others chuckled.

"Good luck" Felix laughed as he ruffled her hair. "I'll need it" she says, getting up and walking off to her next class.

As she opened the classroom door she was pushed by someone, Lee Minho. He busted his way into the classroom, hands inside his pockets, and slouched in his seat. She scrunched her face in disgust.

Chioro was writing some notes until she realised she didn't have her pink pen

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Chioro was writing some notes until she realised she didn't have her pink pen. She searched all around her desk before she looked over at Minhos hand. Which held her pink pen.

Minho was writing with her pen and she sat there staring at the pen, not being able to ask for it back. After a bit Minho perked over at her and saw her eyes laying on her pen.

He put the lid on the pen and placed it on the desk as he rolled his eyes, returning back to his black pen.

She picked it up and highlighted the most important parts of the paragraphs of information.

"Get to work on the exercises with the partner next to you!" The teacher spoke.
Minho turned to her and as soon as she thought he was going to talk to her..

He pulled out his phone and scrolled through instagram. "Seriously?!" She yelled in her head at she looked at the boy.

She pulled out her phone and went to his contact.


Chioro: can you get off your phone down and work?
- not delivered

She stared at the words on her phone.
He had blocked her.

"Can you unblock me?!" The girl yelled as she stood up looking down at the boy who was glaring up at her. "Chioro sit down!" The teacher demanded but she ignored it.

"I'm not unblocking someone who doesn't want me around" small gasps were heard from the classroom. "Well I'm not going to be with someone who treated me horribly in the past!" She yelled back.

"Chioro. Sit down before I send you to the principals office" she turned to the teacher before smiling. "I will walk there myself!"  She started to stuff everything into her backpack before zipping it up and storming off.

"You as well!" The teacher snapped to Minho before he threw everything in and dashed off behind her.

"seriously kids these days" the teacher mumbled, returning back to writing on the board.

"I received an email from your teacher saying this is the 3rd time you both are fighting inside her classroom

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"I received an email from your teacher saying this is the 3rd time you both are fighting inside her classroom. Why can't you both just be friends?" They both immediately gagged at the word friends.

"He's a bitch!" She yelled pointing over at him. "Language." The principal warned. "She just hates me because she can't forget the past!" He argued. "Nobody will ever forget their past!" She argued back making the principal groan in annoyance.

"You know what?! Both of you are suspended until you can become friends and stop disturbing classes!" The principal stormed.

Both their mouths were wide open full of shock. " Now out of my office and home!" He groaned, returning to his documents.

They both picked up their bags and got up leaving the office in disbelief of what happened. "This is your fault!" She dug her nail into his chest. "You crazy bitch!" He slapped her finger away before walking off to the exit.

"That punk." She muttered.

"You got suspended?! Just because of a stupid rivalry between you and Minho!" Chan scolded the girl as her head hung low. "Why did I think I was a good idea for you to be here?" He scoffed which made her eyes widen.

"Don't fly me back to Korea!" She begged tears nearly falling down her cheek. He stared at her confusingly at her reaction. "Why?" He asked but she replied with silence, worrying him a bit.

"Why don't you want to return?" He repeated as he raised an eyebrow at her. She sighed before getting up and pulling him to the sofa.

After explaining everything that had happened to her to him, he sat there speechless and was on the urge of tears.

"I should have never left you there by yourself." he spoke.

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