#33 the fair

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I could barley sleep last night, and it doesn't help that all I could hear was Justin playing Mario cart with a couple of his friends that live down here.

Just as I was about to get to the good part of my dream, my alarm went off

"Oh my God, really ?" I say turning off my alarm and getting up

I decided to take a show this morning, so I quickly hopped in and washed, shaved, and got out

I did not plan on taking a 719493.17382 million year long shower

When I get out I quickly got dressed in this really cool krypto blue Hoodie, some Jean ripped shorts, and my air force 1's

I then decided to put my hair in some braids because I wanted my hair to be a little wavy, plus the braids were cute

Then I walked out of my bathroom and whet to my journal, I jotted down my thoughts and feelings of that morning, and the time that I woke up.

I then decided to edit a vlog that me, daisy, and owen were working on


"Okay guys, so, tomorrow we are going to be going to this really cool fair, and we will most likely take you guys along with us because, why the fuck not" says daisy with the camera in hand

"Yep, and I think after that matt and nick wanted to go to the mall" I say

"Wait who all is coming?" Asks owen

"Everyone! And everyone includes, nick, matt, chris, us 3 obviously, madi, nate, Justin, mom, and dad!" I say smiling

"Yup, so we will see you guys when it's time to go to the fair!" Says daisy before turning the camera off

*end editing*

That made me think I should probably update the vlog

So I pulled out my camera and started talking

"Alrighty so I just woke up, I don't know if the others are up yet, but I told daisy and owen to vlog when they were getting up and shit so I could add it into the vlog" I say as I'm giving to camera a thumbs up

"Currently I'm just sitting here and getting some editing done, I might post on Instagram later, I don't really know tho"

"But anyways this is the fit" I say setting the camera down on my desk and showing of my fit

"Sadly we only have like 2 weeks left here, but whatever, when we get back we're going to LA with the boys, so that should be pretty fun" I say

"Anyways, I'm probably gonna edit this footage that your seeing right here and then most likely go and see if everyone is awake or not, and then later we will go to the fair and the mall" I say before shutting off the camera

I walked outside of my room greeted by Justin

"Oh hey J, do you know who all is awake currently" I ask him

"Well matt and chris are both asleep in my room, how they got there, I have no clue, but then daisy and owen went to go take instagram pictures before we needed to leave, nates still asleep I think, and me and madi are about to make a killer breakfast" he says

"Okay, I'll come help with that then" I say following him down the stairs

"Morning madi" I say walking into the kitchen

"Morning lee" She says with a smile on her face

*time skip After the breakfast and everyone's back and ab to go 2 the fair, also peep how fucking lazy I am to right currently*

"Alright is everyone ready to go?" Says dad

"Yep" we all respond before splitting up into cars

Car 1: nate, dad, mom, nick, owen, and daisy

Car 2: me, chris, matt, Justin, and madi

As were driving in the car I obviously have aux

"Hey I just realized you and matt are matching" says Justin as he's pointing at us

"Oh yea! We are!" I say realizing we have the same Hoodie on

"Swaggy" says matt

We arrive at the fair and I pull out the camera

"Okay guys we have made it into the fair, and I think the first thing we are gonna do is most likely ride some scary spooky not so fun rides" says owen standing right beside me

"Yep what he said, anyways, I think after that we might find some Oh so yummy fair food, and fuck that up real quick before getting on anymore rides" I say as I pan the camera towards chris and nick

"Whats up mother Fuckers, it's ya boi" says chris taking the camera

"Chris can you like never again do that please and thank you" says nick giving chris the funniest side eye

* yes this is the end but I will be making a part 2 very very soon !"

819 words

Rylee sturniolo: sturniolos sisterWhere stories live. Discover now