#6 Maggie?

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A couple of weeks past, and I haven't heard from Maggie at all, I don't know what happend, but she just stopped talking to me ever since she joined the cheer squad with all those preppy bitches, and I got some real friends for once in my life, the only person by my side througout all of school up till this year was Maggie, we used to be insepirable.

i think my brothers had started to notice that Maggie wasn't coming around, they had always asked me if we were picking her up, or if she was spending the night, but now it was always "nope, she has some cheer things, but Daisy's coming!" I'm very glad for Daisy and her friends, they brought me in when I was just a lost sheep.

"ok seriously, wheres Maggie!?" Matt asked. "yeah, we haven't seen her in awhile" Nick says. "i agree" Chris chimes in. "uhh shes just been really busy recently" i say.

I could never tell my brothers that we haven't been talking, some days I was sure that they loved her more than me! So instead of telling them and hurting them, I just kept quiet.

My thinking was interupted by a knock on the door. "RYLEE GET THE DOOR" they all scream in unison from their rooms. I roll my eyes as I get up to go see who was at the door. As I open the door I see... "Maggie?" i ask, "hey Ry!" she says all happy, "WHO'S AT THE DOOR LEE?" Chris asks "UHM NOBODY, JUST SOME RANDO!" i yell back as I push her outside and close the door behind me. "some rando, uhm rude" she says laughing "what are you doing here?" i ask brutely "well no need to be a bitch" she says rolling her eyes "you think that you can just show up after you purposly ignored me?" i say "uhm ignored is a big aggressive" "Maggie the last time you messaged me was 2 and a half weeks ago" i say annoyed "the phone works both ways ya know!" she says kinda loud "Really!?" i ask annoyed "really" she says crossing her arms.

"Well last time i tried talking to you, you were with those snotty cheer girls!" i say "Snotty!?" she says shocked "you heard me, I tried talking to you, trust me, i really did try!" i said annoyed "whatever I don't really care about your dumb life anyways, i knew you would never make it" she says rolling her eyes, just before i can get respond, or even get tears out of my eyes i hear my brothers open the door. "HEYY" she says towards Nick trying to give him a hug. "Eww, no!" Nick says brushing off where she tried huggin him, she ignores that and turns to matt "hey matthew" she says batting her eyes "I think somethings wrong with it's eyes" he says brutely. she ignores him aswell and turns to Chris, I knew she had always had a chrush on Chris, and me being very close to them, i told them. "hey Chris" she says smirking at him, "oh god no" he says about to throw up.

"UGH you guys are being total bitches!" she says, "considering we heard what you said to our little sister, what we did was nice!" Nick says "yea, i never knew you to be a bitch Maggie, what happend? oh thats right, those cheerleader bitches got a hold of you" Chris say scoffing "you need to leave, like now" Matt says already annoyed. "WHATEVER!" she says stomping away.

my brothers tried to comfort me, but I just ran past them, I ran up to my room and locked my door, i began to cry more than ever, I never knew that one cheer team could change someone into that so quickly!

Time Skip:

It's now around dinner time when i hear a knock at my door "go away Matt!" I say to him, the only reason I knew it was him was because we all have this special knock for each other, "Lee, please let me in" he says I don't reply, but instead i get up and open the door. "what?" i say asking him. "im sorry Lee." he says "for what?" i say shocked. "for not realizing how much of a bitch she was earlier" he says, "no, its okay, those cheer people really changed her" i say "i can tell" he says "well dinners ready" he says "okay, I'll be right down" i say giving him a reassuring smile.

After dinner me and my brothers just watched movies for the rest of the night, knowing i don't really wanna talk about what happend.

A/N OKAY! so this is a very sloppy chapter, but I needed to get another one out considering I feel bad for leaving you guys hanging lmao

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