#10 the big news

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I had to tell my brother's, their the ones it will effect the most ! I thought to myself.

"But they can't know yet" I say out loud

"Can't know what?" Nick asks

"Oh...uhhh...nothing!" I say back, but ofc he didn't buy it considering he knows when I'm lying

"Rylee" he says

"What?" I ask

"What's going on, you know you can talk to me about anything right?"

"Yea I know that" I say

"OKAY SOOO SPILL!" He says excited

"Can u promise not to hate me" I say

"Rylee I don't know if you have noticed but the only thing that could make me hate you, is if you got a pet bird. And I don't hear any chirping" he says raising his arms.

"Fine, but we have to do it somewhere where the other 2 won't hear!" I exclaim

"OKAY OKAY, we can go into my room" he says.

We went into his room and I sat next to him as he patiently waited for me to speak

"Well, spit it out" he says

"Fine !" I say

"I got accepted to my dream collage"

"That's great Lee!" "Wait why can't you tell us that?" He asks

"Because my dream collage is in California. Across the states, and I don't even know if I want to go to college yet or not, I'm stressing about alot of things and I don't know what to choose because I want to stay here with you guys but I also want to-" I say before getting cut off.

"Rylee, stop stressing about it! Choose what you feel is right. Don't worry about us, make your choice first, and we will figure it out from there, plus if you don't feel that collage is right for you, don't go!" He says

"Thanks nick, that really did take some pressure off of my back" I say hugging him tightly.

Matt's pov

I walk past nicks room and rylee and nick are hugging, I never got how rylee was always so much closer to nick and chris than me, I've always wanted to be the closest with her. all I wanted to do is protect her and never let anything happen to my little sister.

I just wish she trusted me like she did nick and chris, but I mean she obviously dosent come to me for a reason. I think to myself.

Rylees pov

It's around 11:00 PM and I was bored so I decided I would go on a late night walk !

"I'm going on a walk" I say

"Woah woah woah" I hear from behind me

"You can't go out in the dark by yourself" chris says

"Chris don't worry I'll be fine! And if I need anything I'll call one of you guys I promise" I say giving him a reassuring smile.

"Okay but keep your location on you little shit, I wanna make sure you don't get kidnapped" he says

"Alright alright, I turned my location on" I say as I put my phone in my back pocket.

30 minutes into the walk

It's around like 30 minutes since I left the house, and I'm starting to get really paranoid, I don't know if it's just because of what chris said but I was scared.

Rylee sturniolo: sturniolos sisterWhere stories live. Discover now