WWT 15

169 10 2


Saturday Morning

Jisung's opened his heavy eyelids, yawning in the process. But his eyes refused to open fully when they were greeted with the bright sunrise from outside.

"Jisung! Youre awake!"

He heard Hyunjin gasp from beside him.


Jisung's chest fluttered as he heard Minho mumble, not like it was anything special, but he couldn't stop thinking about last night.

"You alright, do you need the fan on?" Hyunjin questioned the younger, his cheeks being flushed red.

"O-oh no sorry, I'm good..." He replied.

Jisung rubbed his eyes, opening them to see a concerned Hyunjin all up in his face. "Space if you don't mind" Jisung said a bit more hastily than he intended, pushing the blonde away.

His eyes traveled across the room until they met with Minho's.

Why does he have to look so good in the morning...

Jisung thought, admiring how perfect the older looked in his grey pajamas with his fluffy red hair, his brown eyes practically making Jisung drown.

Minho smirked at him, making him a ripe tomato.

Hyunjin flipped over to look at Minho, noticing how red Jisung had become after looking behind him.

But Minho just simply wiped the smirk off his face, putting his hands in the air as to say 'I'm innocent'

Hyunjin hummed, turning his head back to Jisung.

"What do you guys want for breakfast?"


"Do you have milk, I know it's not a food but it sounds really refreshing right now." Jisung asked politely.

Hyunjin scoffed, smirking.

"What kind of house hold doesn't have milk-"


"Uhm I guess we dont have any milk."

Hyunjin said, scratching the nape of his neck. "That's alright, can I atleast get some water..?" Jisung questioned. "Yeah dont worry I got that." Hyunjin laughed.

Minho hadn't been very talkative this morning, so Jisung decided to make a move.

"Did you finish the whole movie, I'm pretty sure I fell asleep before it ended." Jisung asked, walking over to Minho.

"Yeah I finished it, you should've seen the fight between Tanjiro and Kyogai twords the end!"

(Don't ask I haven't watched kny yet)

Jisung hummed, he wished he had been able to stay up longer to see the rest of the movie. "Don't worry, I won't spoil the rest for you princess..." Minho said quietly. Hyunjin whipped his head around to look at the two.

"What?" Minho said innocently, "I swear I heard you call him 'princess' or something like that." Hyunjin said looking up at the ceiling, shaking his head.

"Anyways, here's for you Jisung,'

Hyunjin handed the younger a glass of refreshing, ice cold water, Jisung accepted it greatfullt, nodding his head as a thank you.

"And for you." Hyunjin handed a similar glass to Minho. "But I never asked for any," Minho replied, taking the cup anyways.

"Well be glad because if you changed your mind I probably would've said no."

𝕎𝕙𝕠 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕'𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 (WWT)|| MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now