WWT 3⚠️

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Minho kept looking at him, his glance vicious and sweet at the same time. Jisung didn't want to get the wrong impression about Minho. But he could when he was looking at him like that.

Every time Jisung turned around Minho's eyes were on him in a cold stare. What was going through his mind, was he thinking about him in that way. Or maybe he was thinking about hurting him. *I mean I did show my weak side by giving into the friend thing behind the gym so easily, so I could see why I would be an easy target for a bully*

But he still didn't understand how someone so kind could be mean and violent.

Jisung sat alone at lunch, afraid that knowone would want to talk to someone like him. *nobody even asked if I wanted to sit with them anyways so it's not like anybody really wanted to talk to me...*


A tear trickled down his cheek as he thought the thoughts that he used to have. *Nobody likes me, no one wants to be friends with you because you're stupid,* An abundant amount of tears slowly rolled down his face as he ran to the rooftop. His next period was free anyways so it didn't matter where he was anyway. When Jisung made it to the roof he went to the corner and started to have bad thoughts again. *Why would anybody want to be your friend anyways it's not like you're special or anything, you're ugly and stupid.* "Ugh..." a frustrated noise escaped him. *Everything would be better if you were gone. You should just kill yourself already* Jisung then realized the nonsense he was silently rambling about and how stupid it was,"Why the fuck would I think about that stupid shit." He tried to forget everything he thought about but it wouldn't leave him. Jisung started to cry again, he leaned against the outside wall of the stairwell and slid down it until he was sitting on the ground with his hands on his head in tears.


*Get up Jisung, now you just look more stupid.* He thought to himself. Jisung untucked the bottom of his white blouse out of his black jeans and wiped the tears off of his face using the bottom of the shirt. Leaving the bottom of the blouse covered in damp dark spots from his tears. He tucked the shirt back in and hooked his fingers into the fence's metal diamond shaped gaps. Jisung enjoyed the fresh air. The world was so much more enjoyable with all of the stress off of his mind.

"Hey, it's the new kid."

Jisung jumped at a whisper behind him.

"Oh, sorry did I scare you?" A handsome, tall, dark haired boy was standing there. Jisung barely even heard what he said, he was too lost in the beauty of the person standing in front of him. *His plump, soft pink lips, unreal catlike eyes, a slim nose, beautiful, sharp jawline, and spotless skin that is more clear than the water of the cleanest ocean* He was so lost in thoughts he forgot to reply. Jisung shook his head and replied as casual as his mind would let him.

"No, it's okay."

Jisung saw some kind of picture in the boy's hand. "Hey,", "Yeah?" He replied

"What's that?"

"Oh this?" The boy said. Jisung didn't need to say yes or nod because the boy must've already known that he wanted him to explain it. He held up the picture so that Jisung could see it clearly.

"I made this in art class, we had a free class today to warm up for the future classes." The boy said warmly.

"Wow, it's really realistic, I thought for a moment it had been printed!" The boy smiled softly as he scratched the back of his neck. "Thanks, that means a lot!"

Something about this boy just seemed so nice, and so genuine. Jisung felt safe around him. "So uh, what's your name if you don't mind me asking?" Jisung said.

"My name is Hwang Hyunjin, and you?"

"You have a really pretty name," Hyunjin seemed to be embarrassed at the compliment,"I don't get compliments a lot so that means a lot to me."

"Really!?" Jisung exclaimed, shocked. "How do you not get compliments, you are the definition of perfect if not even more perfect!"

Hyunjin blushed at the statement

"Anyways, my name is Han Jisung."
"Han Jisung.." He mumbled "pretty name."

"Hey why don't you sit with me and my friends at lunch tomorrow. I'm sure they'll love you!"

*Really!? Did someone really just ask me to sit with them!?*
Jisung was shocked, never in his life did he expect for someone to ask him to sit with them, and especially never so kindly either.

"Hey, you alright?" He didn't realize Hyunjin was talking to him until he made a little noise something like,"Hm?" "Oh, yeah sorry I'm fine, knowone has ever really asked me to sit with them before.."

"Really? I would've thought you had loads of friends."

*Well it's not that way and it's probably better like that*

The school bell was deafening, but Jisung knew he was going to have to deal with it for the rest of the school year. That was his last period anyways so now he could go home.
"Friends?" Hyunjin said. "Friends." He replied happily.

Hyunjin smiled at him, "See you later!"

"You too!"

Jisung skipped away with an smile that just wouldn't go away no matter how much he tried to look serious. *A friend... I have a friend!!*


The school day went by quickly.

Just as Jisung was walking out the door, he remembered something.

"Oh shit, I almost forgot." He slapped a palm on his face as he remembered he was suppoused to meet Minho, Felix, and whatever his name was, behind the gym after school today.

As Jisung was turning the corner of the gym, he got a call...

No Caller ID

Jisung answered just in case it was something important, he heard voices from around the corner of the gym wall as the person on the other end began to speak.

"Hey, you coming or not?"


𝕎𝕙𝕠 𝕨𝕠𝕦𝕝𝕕'𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥 (WWT)|| MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now