Charlotte's past

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"You know Denice!?" Charlotte and Bella jinxed. "You know fucking Denice! How!" Charlotte yelled angrily.
"Aw what's the matter Charlotte, worried that I stole your girlfriend. Don't worry, that's always been more your thing" Denice said smugly. "I won't let you hurt her" Charlotte said stepping in front of Bella, which under different circumstances Bella would be blushing a storm.

"Aww Charlotte, so cute that you want to protect her, but I came here to cause a little havoc and your not going to stop me" she spoke sinisterly. "!" And with that Bella and Charlotte ran out the football field and into the locker rooms. "What do we do?" Bella questioned, clearly panicked. "Bella, listen to me. She will kill us both, we need to get you out of here!" Charlotte exclaimed, just then the lights turned off and Bella let out a pinched scream.

"What the fuck is happing!" She yelled. "Bella we have to go, now!" Charlotte exclaimed.
Just then a sinister whistle was heard, echoing throughout the halls of the school, coming from to the intercom.
"How the hell did she get to the principals office before us?" Bella questioned, "she didn't, this whole thing was planned from the start. She rigged it, taking advantage of pepper and her plan!" Charlotte said, then she got a funny feeling, the hairs on the back of her neck raising. A feeling she would only get whenever Denice was aroun-oh fuck.

"Bella we have to hide, now" Charlotte ordered and Bella was too scared to question it. Also it seemed like the best thing to do in this situation. They hid under coach's desk. They heard that damned whistle again, only this time it was closer and much more personal. It was Denice.

She looked around the locker room, getting an odd feeling from the coaches room, but she ignored it and kept searching the school looking for the two love birds.

"Charlotte I need answers, how do you know her? Why does she hate you?" Bella asked, not that she had another reason to wonder why another girl was so invested in Charlotte. "We-it's hard to explain, we used to be friends. But we had a falling out, it's long story and one we don't have time for. We need to move" she said and grabbed Bella's hand carefully dragging her around the halls, making sure the she-demon Denice wasn't beside a corner, because if she was, Charlotte would shove Bella out of the way and fight their attacker to the death. For Bella, anything.

After a while of being absolutely terrified of their surroundings they ended up in the janitors closet. "Okay, now that we're secure. Can we talk?" Bella asked. "We don't know that, the door doesn't lock and we're in a confined space. If she finds us we're dead" Charlotte said pacing.

"Charlotte, I know you want to protect me. But how can you if I don't know everything about this, what if she uses something from you past to hurt me. I have to be prepared" Bella said and Charlotte nodded her head in understanding.
"Ok, it all started a long time ago, when I lived in a different part of town" Bella sat down crisscross leaning on a wall listening closely while Charlotte watched hallway through the door's window in a secure location so she can't be seen, but she can see from her position. "I was a little different then most kids, I had a really weird cousin who lived at my house" Charlotte frowned at the memory and Bella waited for her to continue. "He was fourteen and I was a lot younger the him, which made him using me like a plaything while I was asleep all the worse" Charlotte said softly, hoping Bella wouldn't hear, but she did. She let out a gasp and went to hug Charlotte but she stopped her before she move fully get up because it might jeopardize their position to their enemy.

"Like I was saying, he used me. A lot. I only found out about it because I woke up to him licking my toes with his pants down, and...he was hard" Charlotte said and Bella's heart broke at the thought of her beloved being used in such a way, and red with rage at her cousin who she wanted to strangle to death, who could blame her?

"It gets worse from there, so I should probably leave out a few details. Point is next door, there was a girl who just moved in. She was the same age as me but a little taller. And she was the most psychopathic person I knew"
Charlotte spoke, "when we first met, I thought she was a little weird. The way she listened to rap songs about shooting people, the way she idolized horror characters like Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, and who could forget her personal favorite, leatherface" she continued, making Bella more and more curious. "And what happened then" she asked, "like I said, at first I thought she was weird. Then I chalked it up to being quirky, the more I hung out with her the more I enjoyed being her friend, and eventually her girlfriend" Charlotte smiled at the memories fondly.

"Wait a minute, you knew you were gay this whole time!" Bella whisper yelled. "Yeah, the whole I just now discovered my sexuality thing was a ruse, I figured the less you knew about my life before and why I always bullied you the better"
Charlotte said. "But why even bully me at all?" Bella asked and Charlotte looked down shamefully. "I know it was stupid but Denice left a mark, the more I got to know her, the deeper I dug myself into. She manipulated me into killing a stray cat, into killing the neighbors dog that bite me one time, and to killing my cousin, but that wasn't hard to do" she said barely a whisper, but Bella heard her perfectly.

"Charlotte, I'm so sorry" Bella said. "It's fine, anyways I found out she murdered her parents and wanted me to kill mine, so we got into a fight...and then a psychical one. I won, and gave her a couple scars, and she's hated me since" Charlotte said. "Wow, I so sorry Charlotte" Bella said. "It's fine" she replied. "No, it isn't, I'm sorry" Bella continued.

Soon both of them heard the whistle, Charlotte tensed and looked at Bella. She mouthed an I love you and entered the hallway. "Noo!" Bella yelled and Charlotte used a mop to keep the door from opening. (How, don't ask me. It's just a story) she ran down the hallway, knowing damn well she disabled any phone lines and to keep from calling anybody to help. Plus the school Wi-Fi was somehow not working so cell phones are useless, I wonder whose responsible for that.

Charlotte stopped dead in her tracks. Denice was watching her, she knew she didn't care about Bella. She just wanted her. Charlotte knew that she would kill Bella in front of her, but she could do without if it meant killing her faster.

Sure enough Denice was behind her. Wearing the skin of her father and mother in a stitched up mask. She had a black glove with long steel talons on the finger tips. She wore a torn up leather jacket with a black shirt underneath and black jeans with combat boots. Her long wavy hair now messy to add to her appearance. To say the least she was very intimidating. But not to Charlotte.

"Hey Denice, where are your parents. Surly they didn't forget about you" Charlotte bantered. "Funny coming from you Charlotte. By the way, have you seen any stray cats lately, dog!" Denice taunted back. Referencing to the animals Charlotte killed for no reason other then to impress her friends. A lesson she learned to late.

"Yeah actually I have, come to think of it, I see a stray pussy right now. Still whining about not having any friends" Charlotte mocked, using her hands to mimic a person crying.

That did it for Denice and she charged at Charlotte, swinging her clawed glove around. Charlotte ducked and dodged to not get hit. She grabbed Denice's arm and threw her to the ground but Denice was faster then that. She rolled and got up on her feet and then kicked Charlotte square in her chest, sending her to the floor. Denice was about to kill her by stomping on her face with her combat boots, but Charlotte moved out of the way.

She got up and grabbed a punch Denice sent her way. She twisted her arm behind her back and kicked Denice away from her. Denice used one hand to cartwheel and land on her feet. She slashed at Charlotte some more and Charlotte ducked and then upper cutter her chin and sent her into the ground with a thud. For several long seconds she didn't move.

Charlotte inquired if she was faking, if it was a trick, until she saw a crimson liquid spread on the floor for Denice's head.
Charlotte felt a pang of sadness. Denice was, or used to be her friend, and girlfriend. I guess thing don't always work out like that.

Charlotte broke out into a run, she had to get back to Bella, no matter the cost.

Bella Dawson x Charlotte NewmanWhere stories live. Discover now