A serial killer?

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Bella was off at practice, she just wasn't feeling it today. So when coach made her sit the bench she honestly didn't care.
She tried moving on, she tried dating guys, but it felt like something was missing, she tried dating other girls, but it just wasn't the same.

She walked through the hallways tired and sore, she hated that she wasn't with the person she loved, or she thought she loved. Now that she thought of it, their relationship was kinda rushed, and had a weird start. "Maybe it's for the best" she thought. Then she bumped into someone and immediately apologized. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry" she said quickly helping the other person pick up their books they dropped. "Oh it's fine" she said back, picking up her math and science books. "Thanks" Bella said as she was about to hand her her books back, but stopped short when she realized how gorgeous she was. She had Burnett hair pale skin and beautiful facial features. She wore a black leather jacket with a black shirt under it that revealed much of her well developed cleavage and Bella couldn't help but stare.

"Uh, my books please" she asked nicely and once Bella realized that she was still holding on to the other's books immediately let go. "I am so sorry!" She said apologeticly. "It's fine, you must be Bella, the quarterback" she said to which Bella responded with "yes that's me the quarterback *giggle*" and mentally cringed after she did the giggle.

"Right, I'm Denice" Denice said with a smile that made Bella's knees go weak. "H-hi Denice, I'm Bella Dawson...but you already knew that" she said awkwardly getting an adorable giggle from Denice. "Hey, I know we just met but could I get your phone number?" She said shocking Bella, "um yeah, sure!" She replied and gave Denice her phone.
"Thanks" Denice said grabbing the phone and started to type in her number. When she was finished she gave the phone back to it's owner. The bell rung and everyone started to go to their classes. "I've got to go but it was really nice talking with you" Denice said and left leaving Bella a little starstruck.

"Oooh, looks like somebody got a girlfriend" Sophie said walking alongside pepper coming from behind her. "Oh hey Soph" she said a bit blandly which both her friends noticed. "I uh, I should get to class" she said sadly knowing she stopped Bella from being happy, but it was Charlotte and if it was anybody else then she would have supported her 100 percent, but Charlotte was too unpredictable and that could cause problems that she was trying to shield Bella from.

Pepper on the other hand didn't look so upset, if everything she looked like she was a little giddy. "What's up with you?" Bella asked confused. "Just that I have something that you might want to know about?" Pepper said grinning. "What is it?" She asked once again, "come by the football field after school, I tell you then" the perky Asian girl replied before  happily walking to her next class.

Later that day at the football field. Bella was curious as to what pepper was planning.
But the football field was empty.

"Bella" she heard from behind her. Bella turned around and there she was in the flesh, Charlotte Neman. "Hey, what are you doing here?" She asked curiously, "Pepper said you wanted to talk to me?" She questioned. "But Pepper said there was something she needed to tell me" Bella's eyes cracked in realization, "what did she need to tell you?" Charlotte asked nervously. "You know, never mind" Bella responded.

"So it was all just a ruse?" Charlotte said. "Yeah pretty much" Bella once again responded. "If you don't mind me asking, why did you come. I thought you wanted to keep your distance?" Bella approached the subject nervously.
"I never really wanted to keep my distance, but I did so anyways because I didn't want to hurt you. But when Pepper insisted, I thought I had something wrong" Charlotte explained sadly. "Hey, you could never do anything wrong, wait, that came out wrong" Bella said causing Charlotte to starting laughing her ass off.

"Yeah, god knows I did plenty of things wrong" she said, and Bella looked down at her feet bitting her lip. "Especially when it came to falling in love with you" she said causing Bella's head to snap up. "Really?" Bella asked, Charlotte nodded smiling.

It was at this moment Bella kissed Charlotte with as much passion as she could. And when Charlotte kissed back, the pair felt fireworks go off in the back of their brains.

"Woah" Bella said amazed. "Bella, I know what your gonna say, but I need to get this off my chest" Charlotte stated.
"Okay? What is it" Bella asked. Charlotte was about say when the pair heard an ominous whistle.

Bella was a little freaked out but held her nerves, where was the whistle coming from. Charlotte looked around frantically for the source of the voice, and when Bella saw the look of absolute terror on her face, she started to get scared too. "Charlotte, where's that noise coming from?" She asked, recognizing that Charlotte had a look of recognition on her face. She turned to Bella and said "Bella, run. And whatever you do, do not look back!". Now Bella was terrified she had never seen Charlotte scared of anyone.

"B-but what about you" Bella stammered. "I'll be fine! Go!" She yelled and before Bella could break out into a run, a maniacal laugh came from behind them. "Now Charlotte, you should never go around making promises you can't keep" a villainous female voice spoke, sending shivers down Bella's spine.

There in the darkness, dripping wet because of the rain that suddenly came out nowhere, stood someone both Charlotte and Bella knew all too well. "Denice!?" They both said at the same time, "you know Denice!?!" They both jinxed again.

Bella Dawson x Charlotte NewmanWhere stories live. Discover now