A ( 9|'6/-\f ) talk

Start from the beginning

"I meann- Not really but like, if my mother has been wanting to talk to me sense yesterday, and hasn't forgotten, must be kinda important- won't you think?" I said, "hm.. yeah- i guess-" Jimmy said, "So? What do you think i do?-" I asked

"hm... stay another hour before going maybe?.." jimmy said, "orr, i can Go now, Talk to my mother, and then come back afterwards!" I stated "Yessss-" Jimmy said and i just giggled, "Okayyy~ i'll probably be back in a few hours darling~" I stated and then gave jimmy a kiss on his cheek 

before getting up, and walking out of his room, and then going to the front door, putting my shoes on, as i left them at the door, and then walking out, and then flying home, landing infront of my 'House'((yeah a house is totally fricken castle thing lol-))

And entered, and then found my mom simply reading a book in the little study/library, "Hello Mother, Xornoth Texted me and said you wanted to talk to me?" I Stated "Ah, Yes," my Mother stated, Standing up,

and walking past me, gestersting to follow her as she then walked out of the 'house' ((Still, yeah a house is totally fricken castle thing lol-)) and i just follow'd "um- Where are-" I started "I Think you'd rather Have this conversaytion somewhere someone can't hear us." My Mother stated

and i blinked in confusion, but kept a plain face, acting like i wasn't really confused "Ok.." I said, and counited to follow her, after awhile, we Walked out of one of the 3 Gates in Rivendell, and just walking down the rainbow path, and then walked on a dirt path leading off it and just into the forset,

and the longer we walked the more i got confused, (is it really That important to not let anyone else hear?..) i thought to myself, and then My Mother Stopped at a small pond, with two desent sized rocks, 

and My Mother Just sat on one, "If i were You Son, I'd Take A seat," My Mother Stated, and i just sat down on the other rock, and Just looked at her, and she smiled Softly, kinda looking Proud? "I Follow'd you the other day, When me and Your Father Got Back from our trip," My Mother stated,

and i was just confused- before thinking (the day they got back.... Wait- Wasn't that when i went on-) I thought and then just looked at her, shocked, but a bit((Probably more then that but eh-)) Nervous now-

"Your Quite Lucky i was the one to See you leave all dressed up, and follow you instead of your Father You know," My Mother Stated, (oh- Fuck-... did- She see- How much did she see-?!-) I thought, 

and she then just chuckled softly, "I Won't Tell your father, Don't Worry, i Support you Honey," My Mother Stated and i literally just sighed of relief- and then She counited "Soo, Whats His Name? How Long Have you Two Been Together? Or Was It Just A Date?" My Mother Asked-

"i- well- not long- we actually Started dating the day before-" I Stated- "Hm, I See, And I Also see your Into Fish People, Well, More like, Guy Fish People~" My Mother Stated, in a rather teaseing voice-

"y-yeahh-" I said, and she just chuckled slightly, "Andd, Whats His Name?" My Mother Asked, "Jimmy- Well james- but he perfers Jimmy-" I said, "Hm, Whats his Last Name?" My Mother asked, clearly Now just wanting more details and such- "shadow-soildairy..." I mumbled, 

"Oh~ The new Ocean Queens Son!" My Mother Stated "Y-yeah-" I stated "Hm~ Does His Parents Know?" My Mother asked "Well- His mother does- i haven't actually met his father-" I stated "Well, Looks Like i Can Talk to her about are sons Dating then~" My Mother Stated- 

-literally a few hours later of just his Mom asking Qeustions abt His and Jimmy's relationship and other things like that later-

"Do you Two Have Cute nicknames for eachother? Or Any random Nicknames at all?" My Mother asked, and then my phone beeped, and i just looked at her- "Yeah- um- ima just check this real quick..." I mumbled, 

pulling out my phone seeing it was from jimmy, "ooOOooo~ Is It From ya Boyfriend~?" My Mother Asked- "uh- yeah-" I mumbled, while looking at it- (oh Aeor- Please don't let her come look over at my phone and see his contactttt-)  ((lol- he's only thinking that bc he don't want more qeustions- XD))

'..('🥰Meh Future Husband🥰' : im kurios, waht r u & ur mom taalkiing abt?🙃)..'


and then i quickly put my phone away before she could stand up and walk over and look-


lol- Scott basicly got confronted about his life again- but this time- He literally Can't Exscape the questions this time- XDDD

Word Check: 1094

Post date: 8/1/2023

Date of the story: 10/6/2021 / November 5 2021

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